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Indonesia Disaster Outlook Webinar & Launch of Sphere Handbook 2018 Edition Bahasa Indonesia Translation, 9 February 2023

9 فبراير 2023

8:00 صباحًا - 5:00 مساءً

Event Type: Public Event Category: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

February 9, 2023






Lead Facilitator

Dear Sinandang

Co Facilitator

Rahmat Taufik

Guest Speaker

William Anderson
Vanda Lengkong
Yus Rizal
Edy Suharmanto
Jonatan Lassa
Tomy Hendrajati
Titi Moektijasih


The Indonesian Society for Disaster Management (MPBI), as Sphere Country Focal Point, serves to promote the Sphere standards in Indonesia and has translated the Sphere Handbook 2018 edition into Bahasa Indonesia as part of its efforts in strengthen capacity of humanitarian actors, particularly to increase understanding and application of the Sphere standards in humanitarian actions.

Over the past 20 years, MPBI has built a network of more than 160 humanitarian organizations as well as Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Forums at the provincial, district and municipal levels across Indonesia. MPBI also actively engaged and collaborates with the National Disaster Management Authority or BNPB and other government counterparts (e.g., Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Home Affairs) to increase quality disaster risk management initiatives and promote local leadership.

With support from the Sphere Secretariat, MPBI conducted the launch of the 2018 edition of the Sphere Handbook Bahasa Indonesia version that has been translated by MPBI. In this launch, the newly appointed Executive Director of Sphere, Mr. William Anderson, delivered the opening remarks as well as keynote address delivered by one of the Sphere Board members, Ms. Vanda Lengkong. The launch was also complemented with discussion on the Indonesian disaster outlook and invited distinguished panelist from government, local NGOs, as well as UN agencies (i.e. BNPB, Ministry of Home Affairs, MPBI, Human Initiative, and UN OCHA). The launch was conducted on 9 February 2023 and was participated by 162 people (online).

The launch was organised by MPBI with the support of seed funding from the  Sphere Secretariat, and later on we were able to leverage additional funding support from Oxfam in Indonesia, CRS Indonesia, the Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management in Indonesia (APAD-Indonesia). Additional support was also provided by UN OCHA by providing the venue for offline participants.


Registration Deadline

February 9, 2023






Lead Facilitator

Dear Sinandang

Co Facilitator

Rahmat Taufik

Guest Speaker

William Anderson
Vanda Lengkong
Yus Rizal
Edy Suharmanto
Jonatan Lassa
Tomy Hendrajati
Titi Moektijasih
