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Sphere in Practice MOOC Catch-up, Online, 6 December, 2021

6 ديسمبر 2021

2:00 مساءً - 4:00 مساءً

Event Type: Private Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Private
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

December 6, 2021


Co Facilitator

Franziska Schaletzki
Ary Ananta

Guest Speaker

Edmundo Carbo

An interactive, online catch-up for Sphere MOOC graduates, this event was the opportunity to say hello, share experiences, ask questions and discuss Sphere issues that have arisen since the end of the Sphere MOOC in June 2021.

MOOC graduate, Edmundo Carbo, shared his experience of applying Sphere standards for Shelter to coordinate response to the arrival of displaced Venezuelan people in Ecuador.

There followed a Q&A session during which Sphere practitioners from around the globe put their heads together to answer each others’ questions regarding the application of standards in different settings.

Questions included:

  • Does anyone have experience establishing and running a Community-Based Complaints Mechanism (CBCM) for handling allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)?
  • Should Sphere Standards be updated to include further guidance related to disasters and crises caused or worsened by climate change?
  • Can you share interactive Sphere teaching methods and resources?
  • Does anyone have experience of disseminating Sphere among private sector organisations or business networks?

See you in 6 months!


Registration Deadline

December 6, 2021


Co Facilitator

Franziska Schaletzki
Ary Ananta

Guest Speaker

Edmundo Carbo