The establishment of voluntary common protocols and equal understanding/response approach of their rescue, first aid and support teams will strengthen the non-state actors in the area of:
- monitoring and rapid risk assessment of the vulnerability of the communities,
- safety and security of the environments and persons/populations prone to hazards and affected by disasters,
- interoperability and use of collaborative tools and services for information sharing,
- communication and transportation infrastructure/means for saving lives, evacuating people, providing basic food and material needs,
- coordination of capacities and distribution of resources/roles based on the allocation algorithms/ mechanisms of first responders, mobile (social, health, humanitarian, MHPSS, rescuers) workers, aid suppliers and victims.
A tiered peer-to-peer system architecture of protocols and/or guiding principles, approaches, and actions in place could combine the above-listed levels of disaster response management to address the changing needs of affected persons.