KUNO is the Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange in the Netherlands. It facilitates learning, critical reflection and debate on urgent humanitarian issues to improve humanitarian aid. The platform is supported by 12 INGO-members, 7 academic institutes and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all based in the Netherlands.
The mission of KUNO is to improve humanitarian practice by facilitating knowledge exchange, including learnings on humanitarian standards and how to use them in daily practice, as well as advocating for the Sphere standards.
workplan 2021
Workplan might be outdated.
Half-day online interactive workshop for KUNO. 16 participants including NGOs from Ethiopia, Mozambique, Afghanistan, South Sudan and the Netherlands. Agenda:...
Find out moreNov
Half-day online interactive workshop for Mini BuZa and KUNO. 27 participants including government and NGO. Agenda: Workshop introduction and housekeeping...
Find out moreNov
Half-day online interactive workshop for Mini BuZa and KUNO. 22 participants including government and NGO. Registered participants: Terre des Hommes:...
Find out moreThere are no resources.
KUNO is the Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange in the Netherlands. It facilitates learning, critical reflection and debate on urgent humanitarian issues to improve humanitarian aid. The platform is supported by 12 INGO-members, 7 academic institutes and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all based in the Netherlands.
The mission of KUNO is to improve humanitarian practice by facilitating knowledge exchange, including learnings on humanitarian standards and how to use them in daily practice, as well as advocating for the Sphere standards.
workplan 2021
Workplan might be outdated.
Half-day online interactive workshop for KUNO. 16 participants including NGOs from Ethiopia, Mozambique, Afghanistan, South Sudan and the Netherlands. Agenda:...
Find out moreNov
Half-day online interactive workshop for Mini BuZa and KUNO. 27 participants including government and NGO. Agenda: Workshop introduction and housekeeping...
Find out moreNov
Half-day online interactive workshop for Mini BuZa and KUNO. 22 participants including government and NGO. Registered participants: Terre des Hommes:...
Find out moreThere are no resources.