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Muhammad Sufyan

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Muhammad Sufyan

Contact Us



Based in

  • Adult learning
  • Humanitarian Charter
  • Cash and vouchers
  • Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
  • Education
Types of training
  • Field-based training
  • Training content development
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Sphere technical training
  • Sphere presentations
  • Students
  • Government
  • Humanitarian workers
  • Mixed audience

About Muhammad Sufyan

Muhammad Sufyan is MEAL Specialist with a focus on Accountability to affected populations (AAP) and Core Humanitarian Standard. He has 19 years of professional experience working with several international NGOs and UN agencies across Middle East and Asia-pacific region. He specializes in coordination and support in development of Monitoring and Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) mechanisms at agency-wide level. He has conducted various studies, which includes assessments, Pre and Post KAP and evaluations of humanitarian and development projects in south Asia and Middle East region. Sufyan continues to support capacity building initiatives within regions and countries, and amongst  partners in accordance with strategic plans.

He has developed and implemented accountability systems in more than 10 organizations. He also provided technical support to various national and international organizations to develop and implement their accountability systems. Being quality and accountability practitioner, he has led CHS Self-Assessment of 5 organizations. He is also a registered trainer of Sphere minimum standards and its companion volumes and has conducted numerous sessions with staff of national and international organizations. He is also a trained investigator from OSACO Group and CHSAlliance. He has led the workplace investigations of more than 150 cases.

Events & Training



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