My work, training, and teaching have involved 28 countries for more than 25 years. I have conducted Sphere Training 50 times, with 10 of those training conducted with the new 2018 Sphere handbook, 5 in person events and 5 of the trainings done through Zoom online. I have provided general international disaster response training at 75 different events as well. This document reflects the scope of my interests and pursuits in the areas of disaster response and community development.
My experience in humanitarian work spans more than 25 years in the private, public, international, and governmental, and non-governmental sectors. Over that time frame I have trained thousands of participants in the practical application of good humanitarian practices and principles. My training entails both training other trainers and front-line practitioners. My students have ranged from field specialists to governmental agency leaders to university professors. My CV objectively demonstrates my level of commitment to training the humanitarian thoroughly and professionally. In my training, I combine practical field experience with the leading edge information as presented in the Sphere Handbook. The training that I do is very much interactive and involves a variety of media to enhance the learning experience. I have now trained over 2,300 participants.
By Sphere , Alice Ncube , Andrew Nzimbi , Anne Lloyd , Axel Schmidt , Aydee Marin Pallares , Dr Oliver Hoffmann , Gabriel Paredes Chávez , Hamza Hamwie , Hassan Jenedie , Ibrahim Hatibu , Jane Davies , Jim Good , Dr. Markus Moke , Miguel Morales , Patrick J. Melancon, PhD , Tristan Hale , Uma Narayanan