Wonder is an experienced Development and Humanitarian practitioner with over 20 years professional career in East and Southern African countries. He comes with hands-on humanitarian programming and governance which aspects are invaluable in the Humanitarian Standards training, coordination and leadership. He received the Sphere ToT in Malawi in 2008, upgraded his ToT skills with the Sphere 2011 edition and the Sphere 2018 edition. Since 2008 Wonder has traceable record having implemented the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards to his work and has conducted over 95 Quality and Accountability trainings reaching over 1,200 humanitarian practitioners largely across Southern Africa region. In at least 95% of these training events, Wonder has been the Lead Trainer.
SPHERE CONTRACTOR BADGE: Wonder was the Lead Trainer in the first ever country-wide Portuguese Sphere Standards training across all the 11 Provinces of Mozambique (Sept 2021 – Feb 2022). This was a Sphere contracted project.
He is also a trainer in other Quality and Accountability initiatives such as Core Humanitarian Standards, LEGS, Disability and Aged Inclusion, Child Protection in Emergencies, etc.
Wonder is the Coordinator of the Africa Humanitarian Standards Network – AHSN (www.ahsn.africa), an initiative bringing together all the Quality and Accountability practitioners across Africa. The AHSN organizes joint training opportunities, research initiatives, and outreach activities. It also runs advocacy activities calling for an increased application of humanitarian standards across Africa.
In recent times, Wonder has lead/facilitated several strategic planning sessions, end-line project evaluations and reviews, Organizational Capacity Assessment, development of quality and accountability frameworks and capacity building plans, training content design, and project management.
Wonder is leading the Sphere standards adaptation process at the national level by National Disaster Management Authority in Zimbabwe. His experience has been developed in Disaster Risk Reduction, disaster preparedness, and recovery projects at community, national and regional levels in different LAC countries, and in coordination with civil society, public and private sector, international NGOs, UN System, and donors.
He cherishes working collaboratively in a team environment guided by mature judgment and critical thinking. Wonder is innovative and creative in addressing learning solutions adaptable to varied contexts and learners.
As a facilitator, Wonder is adept at execution of experiential and action oriented learning with strong emphasis on creativity and participatory approaches. Skilled at encouraging participants to actively participate, share practical experiences and practice real issues within the organizations in a fun-filled learning process.