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Become a member

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Please note

The Sphere General Assembly approved a new membership structure and lower membership fees in April 2021 for immediate implementation. These changes are now reflected in the information below. Membership fees have remained frozen since 2021 and will continue to be maintained at the same rate through 2025.


Who can become a Sphere member?

Members of Sphere are organisations or individuals whose core activities include assisting and protecting people and communities affected by crisis. Sphere members make no distinction in their work on the basis of nationality, race, gender, diversity, religious belief, class or political opinion.


Apply for Sphere membership

Please complete and submit the relevant application form below, being sure to include the additional documentation requested.


    An organisation whose core activities, or whose members’ core activities, work towards assisting and protecting vulnerable people and crisis affected communities. This can be a non-governmental organisation (NGO), NGO network, a member of the Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement, a UN agency, a donor agency, a national disaster management agency (NDMA), a standard-setting body, an academic institute, a foundation or a private sector entity.


    Individuals with a strong commitment for furthering the vision and mission of Sphere.

Member benefits
Directly invest in Sphere’s vision
For full, yes For individual, yes
Help shape Sphere’s research, policy and advocacy agenda
For full, yes For individual, yes
Connect with a global network of humanitarian practitioners
For full, yes For individual, yes
Host Sphere e-learning courses on your own platform
For full, yes For individual, no
Right to use the "Sphere Member" badge to increase awareness of Sphere
For full, yes For individual, yes
Attend and speak at the Sphere General Assembly
For full, yes For individual, yes
Submit proposals for consideration by the Sphere General Assembly
For full, yes For individual, yes
Vote at the Sphere General Assembly
For full, yes For individual, no
Stand for election to the Sphere Governing Board
For full, yes For individual, Join by co-option only
Nominate candidates for election to the Sphere Governing Board
For full, yes For individual, no
Participate in Sphere committees and working groups
For full, yes For individual, By invitation only
Free copies of Sphere Handbook (corresponding to the size of the organisation)
For full, yes For individual, no
Receive exclusive member communications
For full, yes For individual, yes
Contribute to Sphere newsletters and other external communications
For full, yes For individual, yes
Co-develop Sphere resources
For full, yes For individual, yes
Plan and implement projects in partnership with Sphere
For full, yes For individual, By invitation only

*Large federations or networks of NGOs have the option to join Sphere and provide the benefits of membership to their own members.

Membership fees

Sphere took the bold step to significantly reduce its membership fees in 2021 to ensure its membership is representative of the humanitarian community.

The membership fee is an investment in achieving the collective vision of Sphere. Membership fees provide essential funding for the running of the organisation, while allowing us to leverage substantial grants from major donors so we can achieve our shared vision.

Sphere would not be financially viable without annual membership fees. We operate on a tight budget, overseen on behalf of members by our Governing Board.

Fees for Full Members are calculated on the basis of the member organisation’s annual revenue (in CHF).

Sphere membership fees 2021