The 2018 edition of the Sphere Handbook is the result of the most diverse and far-reaching consultation process in the history of Sphere. Nearly 4,500 online comments were received from 190 organisations, and more than 1,400 people participated in 60 in-person events hosted by partners in 40 countries. Sphere gratefully acknowledges the scale and breadth of the contributions made, including from national, local and international NGOs, national authorities and ministries, Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, universities, UN organisations and individual practitioners.
The revision process was coordinated by the Sphere office. Individual chapters were developed by lead authors with cross-sectoral support from designated thematic experts and resource persons from the humanitarian sector. The majority of the authors and thematic experts were put forward by their home organisations, dedicating their time and effort as an in-kind contribution to the sector.
Writing groups and reference groups were established to support the authors and thematic experts in their work. Sphere acknowledges the valuable contribution of all these individuals throughout 2017 and 2018. A full list of all working group and reference group members can be found below.
Chapter Authors
Peer Review Group
Writing team
Chapter Authors
Chapter Authors
Food Security
Chapter Authors
Chapter Authors
Whole chapter
Chapter introduction
Health systems
Communicable diseases
Child health
Sexual and reproductive health
Trauma care
Mental health
See reviewer list for the theme “Mental Health and Psychosocial Support”.
Non-communicable diseases
Palliative care
WASH in healthcare settings
Thematic expert:
Pelly Isabelle, CaLP
Thematic expert:
Wisniewski Susan, Terre des Hommes
Thematic experts:
Harrick Mark, WVI
Jalovec Jennifer, Terre des Hommes
Thematic experts (Environment):
George Amanda, Swedish Red Cross / OCHA-UNEP Environment unit
Palo Thomas, Swedish Red Cross
Thematic experts (DRR):
Dolcemascolo Glenn, UNISDR
Njogu Muthoni, UNISDR
Thematic expert:
Cano Mireia, GENCAP
Thematic expert:
Ward Jeanne, Independent
Thematic experts:
van Ommeren Dr. Mark, WHO
Ventevogel Peter, UNHCR
Thematic expert:
Olsen Joanna, CRS
Thematic experts:
Hand Phillip, HelpAge International
Van Horssen Irene, HelpAge International
Thematic expert:
Fay Alice, UNHCR
Thematic expert:
Pla Cordero Ricardo, Humanity and Inclusion
Thematic expert:
Sekkenes Sara, UNDP
Thematic expert:
Fenton George, Humanitarian Logistics Association
Thematic expert:
Sitko Pamela, WVI