May 7, 2024
Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG)
This event has passed. Please see here for a recording: Keeping quality at the forefront of humanitarian assistance (
The humanitarian system is not fit for purpose.
We hear this mantra all the time, yet sometimes it sounds like an excuse for not being able to do more or do better, because the challenges are too great and the outcomes beyond our control.
But if quality is not a priority, then guess who pays the price? For if we lose quality then we also lose dignity.
Or maybe the world has changed such that the old system we aspired to has gone forever. From now on aid is only about doing what we can, as quality considerations are a luxury we can no longer afford.
This and more will be discussed on Tuesday 7 May at 9am in room Pleniere B – your presence will be greatly appreciated.
May 7, 2024
Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG)