I am a project manager with over six years of experience coordinating international donor-funded development and humanitarian aid projects, and leading teams for achieving key milestones. I am a dedicated professional with over 10 years of experience in child and youth education and development. I have broad experience as a trainer in the humanitarian and development field, including Sphere Minimum Standards, Core Humanitarian Standard, Project Management, Project Design, Fundraising, Communication, MEAL, etc.
In 2024, I delivered several offline Sphere trainings targeting participants from the humanitarian and development sectors, both from public and private entities.
I have adapted Sphere content to various forms of capacity building to ensure effective change in humanitarian work in Moldova. I’ve participated in the translation of Sphere-related materials (videos, activity cards) and CHS (version 2024) into the Romanian language.
I am working for Caritas Moldova, the Sphere focal point in the Republic of Moldova.