October 20, 2020
By the end of this training session, participants will able to:
• Have background elements of the CHS fresh in your mind (history, structure, content)
• Provide examples of using the CHS jointly with the Sphere technical chapters
• Explain how the CHS can help better planning, designing and monitoring community
engagement strategies
• Quotes examples from other Sphere trainers on training on the CHS
Workshop agenda – all timing CEST
09h00 Introduction and presentation
09h30 Brief background explanations of the CHS
10h00 The CHS in practice: how does it link with other chapters of the Sphere Handbook (particularly technical chapters)
11h00 Break
11h20 A closer look at community engagement through the lens of the CHS
12h00 Time for Q&A and sharing
12h20 Conclusions
12h30 End of the workshop
The methodology will be participative, meaning that participants will be encouraged to share their knowledge.
October 20, 2020