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Sphere Standards in Urban Contexts Training Package Launch, online, 11 July 2023

11 يوليو 2023

11:00 صباحًا - 1:00 مساءً

Event Type: Public Event Categories: , Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Event Categories: ,
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

July 7, 2023



Email Address

Contact Number

+41 (0) 22 552 5915




Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator

‘Applying Sphere standards in urban contexts’ is a new 3-day online/in-person training package that has been co-developed by Sphere and the German Red Cross.

Watch the recording of this event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpUCMCKuhpY

This training package promotes an inclusive, rights-based and people-centred response to disasters in urban areas, via the contextualisation and application of Sphere minimum humanitarian standards.

Sphere trainer Aya Yagan will lead the launch event with an interactive and informative 2h workshop presenting the esssentials of the new package.

Participants will discover how the first two days of the training use practical exercises, based on the Ukraine conflict, to demonstrate the complexities of the urban setting as well as the relevance of Sphere standards. The final tabletop exercise on day 3 enables participants to apply their learning to an imaginary city in crisis, in an interactive and exciting group simulation game.

This workshop is offered free of charge, and is of relevance to anyone involved in urban response.

The workshop will be held in English, but will be available to watch, with subtitles, on YouTube after the event.

Workshop Objectives

• Highlight the importance of applying Sphere Standards in urban contexts for
humanitarian response.

• Familiarise trainers and training organisers with the structure and content of the training package.

• Present the key points and concepts covered in Module 1: Introduction to Humanitarian
Response in Urban Contexts.

• Present the key points and concepts covered in Module 2: Adapting and Applying
Sphere Standards in Urban Contexts.

• Introduce Module 3: Applying the Sphere Standards to an Urban Humanitarian Response
Tabletop Exercise (TTX).

• Discuss the importance of the TTX simulation and its role in applying the training

• Discuss next steps for any trainers or organisations wishing to deliver the workshop.

How to register?

Please register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Where to download the training package? 

Please feel free to download the pack here: https://spherestandards.org/resources/using-sphere-standards-in-urban-contexts-training-package/



Registration Deadline

July 7, 2023



Email Address

Contact Number

+41 (0) 22 552 5915




Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator