ASB is pleased to offer a participatory one-day Sphere Introduction workshop, which is supported, by pre-event information, quizzes and short…
Find out moreApr
For: Partners of ASB Haiti Format: Workshop in French, with live interpretation into Creole. Objective: Introduce participants to the fundamentals…
Find out moreMar
Half-day online interactive workshop for KUNO. 16 participants including NGOs from Ethiopia, Mozambique, Afghanistan, South Sudan and the Netherlands. Agenda:…
Find out moreDec
An interactive, online catch-up for Sphere MOOC graduates, this event was the opportunity to say hello, share experiences, ask questions…
Find out moreNov
Half-day online interactive workshop for Mini BuZa and KUNO. 27 participants including government and NGO. Agenda: Workshop introduction and housekeeping…
Find out moreNov
Half-day online interactive workshop for Mini BuZa and KUNO. 22 participants including government and NGO. Registered participants: Terre des Hommes:…
Find out moreNov
Sphere in Practice (SIP) is a new online course due for release in early 2021. It can be taken by…
Find out moreApr
The webinar presentations are available at bit.ly/CE-covid-presentations. Here are some links that were shared/requested in the conference chatroom: Sphere's…
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