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Disaster and Refugee Response: Global Principles and Practice, Online, March 2021

5 مارس 2021 - 13 مارس 2021

6:30 مساءً - 4:30 مساءً

Event Type: Public Event Category: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

March 5, 2021



Email Address

Contact Number

+1 (903) 962-4000




Lead Facilitator

Laura Smelter

In this online training program you will gain resources to put principles into practice, engage with coordinated relief efforts, minister to affected populations, and maintain resilience.

This program empowers participants to effectively contribute to global response efforts through knowledge and application of life-saving and dignity-upholding measures as outlined in the “Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response.” Developed by the international response community, the Sphere Handbook puts affected populations and the right to life with dignity at the center of humanitarian response.

Interactive sessions contextualize the Sphere universal minimum standards, key actions, and key indicators and cover four core life-saving areas:
– water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)
– food security and nutrition
– shelter and settlement
– health

Required resource: Participants are required to have a digital or print copy of The Sphere Handbook 2018, which may be obtained at https://spherestandards.org/handbook-2018/.

Participants will join an online learning community in live interactive sessions according to the following course schedule (tentative – daily topics subject to change based on facilitator availability):

Friday, March 5, 6-8:30pm central time
Welcome and Introductions
Review of Technology Tools Used in Course
Sphere and The Sphere Handbook

Saturday, March 6, 9am-4:30pm central time
The Humanitarian Charter and Code of Conduct
Protection Principles and Understanding Vulnerabilities and Capacities
Health Technical Sector
Sphere and Coordination

Tuesday, March 9, 6:30-8:30pm central time
Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Technical Sector

Friday, March 12, 6:30-8:30pm central time
Shelter and Settlement Technical Sector

Saturday, March 13, 9am-4:30pm central time
Food Security and Nutrition Technical Sector
Using the Standards in Context
Tabletop Simulation
Caring for Self and Others in Humanitarian Crisis Response


Registration Deadline

March 5, 2021



Email Address

Contact Number

+1 (903) 962-4000




Lead Facilitator

Laura Smelter