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Towards more accountability for affected people: Six stories of adaptation and anticipation

26 أبريل 2021

2:00 مساءً - 3:15 مساءً

Event Type: Public Event Category: Sphere Content: Some Sphere Content

Event Type: Public
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Some Sphere Content


Registration Deadline

April 26, 2021


Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2021 (Online)




English-language webinar with simultaneous interpretation from and into Spanish.
26 April 2021 | 14:00-15:15 Geneva time


Events in 2020 have disrupted Accountability towards Affected Populations (AAP) efforts – and aid more broadly – across the globe. Humanitarian actors at all levels have spoken of uncertainty and new challenges at every turn. Whether we like it or not, the humanitarian sector is being forced to rethink, rework and adapt tried-and-tested ways of working.

In this changing landscape, accountability to affected people – as an active commitment to use power responsibly – has never been more important.

In this technical meeting, six humanitarian actors from six different organisations will tell their “stories of adaptation and anticipation” in the post-2020 humanitarian landscape.

The CHS Alliance, Translators Without Borders (TWB), Sphere, Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI), Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) and World Vision International invite HNPW participants for this storytelling session followed by an open discussion with the audience.


Watch the recording here:



  • Introduction by Facilitator (5 minutes)
  • Six stories of adaptation anticipation guided by this flow (30 minutes)
    • What was the context/challenge?
    • What actions were taken?
    • What allowed or prevented adaptation and anticipation?
    • What are the lessons learned?
  • Discussion with the panellists (15 minutes)
  • Open discussion with audience (15 minutes)



Facilitator: Aninia Nadig, Sphere



Six humanitarian actors from six different organisations will tell their “stories of adaptation and anticipation” in the post-2020 humanitarian landscape.

  • CHS Alliance and ISS research on Complaint mechanisms and Covid-19: The importance of preparedness & community engagement.
  • Translators Without Borders: After the 2018-2020 Ebola response in eastern DRC, responders acknowledged the importance of considering communication and language in preparedness planning for future responses. The 2020 Ebola outbreak in DRC’s Equateur Province highlighted that there are still lessons to be learned about centering language and communication in crisis preparedness and response. This story is about those language lessons, and practical approaches to adapting communication strategies, speaking a language people truly understand and using words that engage with their concerns and questions.
  • Sphere: How can the Sphere handbook be used in a C19 response? A case study from the field.
  • HQAI: the opinion of members of the affected communities is an important part of collecting and triangulating information on the accountability of organisations involved in an audit against the CoreHumanitarianStandard. Due to the pandemic, HQAI auditors had to adapt swiftly to global travel bans and worked with audited organisations and members of the affected communities to find solutions. Claire Goudsmit, a senior Auditor at HQAI, has worked on the development of new ways-of-working and will share her story of adaptation on changing from face-to-face to remote discussions with affected communities.
  • Ground Truth Solutions: Lessons learned from tracing perceptions during Covid-19.
  • World Vision International: “We have to adapt Accountability practices every day” – lessons from AAP in fragile contexts and how this can inform adaptation in the COVID-19 world. Long before COVID-19, the World Vision team in Somalia were working together with communities to make sure that the Accountability systems adapted to the ever-changing context; creating multiple channels for communities to give feedback and receive information. Understanding the context and the community preferences for channels of communication meant the WV Somalia team were placed to adapt during COVID-19, and their lessons are useful for others working in an ever-changing world.

Registration Deadline

April 26, 2021


Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2021 (Online)

