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Why we need a Core Humanitarian Standard – Improving collective commitment to people in crisis, Geneva, 25 April 2023

25 أبريل 2023

11:00 صباحًا - 12:30 مساءً


Event Type: Public Event Category: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

April 25, 2023


Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG)


This session is co-organised by CHS Alliance, Groupe URD and Sphere.

Why we need a Core Humanitarian Standard – Improving collective commitment to people in crisis

Session objective: In 2014, the humanitarian sector came together around the launch of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). The standard provides a common language and framework for all organizations to improve the quality and effectiveness of assistance to people in need. It facilitates greater accountability to people affected by crisis, laying out clear expectations and practical ways to ensure affected people are aware of their rights, and that their voices are not only heard, but influence decision-making, learning and course correction.

Since its launch, the CHS has helped many organisations at local, national and international levels make improvements,
leading to more accountable aid. To reflect on areas to strengthen and enable the CHS to be even more relevant within a dynamic humanitarian landscape, the CHS copyright holders (CHS Alliance, Groupe URD and Sphere) embarked on a
revision process in 2022. The updated Standard, expected to be launched at the end of this year, comes at a time when there is little question that being more accountable to people in crisis is not only the right thing to do in respect of
their dignity and rights, but also critical for the quality and effectiveness of programmes. It also comes at a time of growing recognition that being more accountable to people in crisis starts with individual organizations but requires a truly collective endeavour.

This session will serve as a timely reminder of why the CHS came into existence and the way in which it influences quality and accountability. It places the Standard within current debates in the sector, seeking to generate support for the CHS revision process and launch of the updated Standard, for stronger collective impact.

Intended session outcome: The session will engage humanitarian leaders and practitioners around the CHS past and present, highlighting the role of collective buy in and responsibility to make greater quality and accountability to people affected by crisis a reality. During the course of the session, ways to influence the ongoing revision process will be outlined. Emphasis will be placed on how the launch of the updated CHS will accelerate collective efforts for even greater impact and improvements.


The session will start with a reminder of the ambition and importance of the CHS. It will allow participants to be informed about how they can contribute to and influence the updated Standard. It will also enable participants to share views on how to accelerate the collective mission around the CHS.


Registration Deadline

April 25, 2023


Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG)