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Tripoli, Libya

Tripoli, Libya
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This Venue is for events taking place in Tripoli (Libya) for which the exact address is not specified.

The location shown on the map is a point close to the city centre and does not reflect the location of the event venue.

To discover the precise location, please contact the event organiser.

Events & Training

مارس 2021



Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, Tripoli, Libya, March 2021


1 مارس 2021 10:00 صباحًا - 4:00 مساءً
1 مارس 2021
10:00 صباحًا - 4:00 مساءً
Face-to-Face, Workshop
Tripoli, Libya, Tripoli, Libya

the training aims to improve the knowledge of the participants of Sphere standards and the proper application of the standards…

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