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Realising the full potential of Sphere, Nairobi, Kenya, Mar 2019

11 مارس 2019 - 14 مارس 2019


Event Type: Public Event Category: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

February 22, 2019


Nairobi, Kenya


Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator

Sphere workshop and regional meeting, 11th to 14th March, Nairobi

The new edition of the Sphere Handbook was launched in November 2018, marking the 20th anniversary of the Sphere movement, now a community of purpose spanning the globe.

This 4-day workshop is based on the new Sphere Training Package which will be launched shortly after this event.

Purpose of event: The purpose of the training workshop is to pilot the new training package and get first-hand, actionable feedback from participants which will be integrated into the final version for release. This workshop is an important step in the development and validation of these materials. At the same time, participants will discover or rediscover Sphere and the new Sphere Handbook.

The event will also provide an opportunity to advance the development of a regional network of professionals built on expertise and good practice, working to strengthen effective humanitarian and development outcomes in East and Central Africa.

Draft content (subject to refinement based on participant profiles):

  • An introduction to Sphere and the Sphere Handbook including the foundation and technical chapters.
  • A look at the various uses of Sphere across the programme cycle, and a call to action to advocate for Sphere and for people affected by crises.
  • A look at what is new in the 2018 edition of the Handbook including drivers of the revision.
  • A facilitated discussion on how IAWG members, Sphere and others can work together to improve outcomes for people affected by crises in East and Central Africa.

Target audience: We welcome trainers and non-trainers from various roles in the humanitarian sector. We are looking for a balance of local NGOs, INGOs, trainers, Sphere experts (with the 2011 edition), field practitioners and managers to enrich the quality of the feedback and discussions.

Facilitators and training team: The event will be facilitated by Ibrahim Hatibu (Sphere Trainer and director, Think Smart Solutions), and cofacilitated by Tristan Hale (learning manager, Sphere), with the support of Njeru George (coordinator, IAWG Africa).

Timing: Monday 11th to Thursday 14th March 2019 (4 full days).

Participants are encouraged to attend the Nairobi 2018 Sphere Handbook launch from 10am to 12pm on Friday 15th March.

Location: Kenya, Nairobi (venue to be confirmed)

Cost: Free, but participants must make their own arrangements for travel, accommodation and evening meals. Sphere Handbooks and other materials, refreshments, and lunch are provided at the training venue.

Application process: Please make sure you can attend all 4 days of the workshop. Your line-manager is required to approve your attendance in advance.

To apply, please complete the registration form here or open this link: https://goo.gl/forms/Mbj1j8GIsUbppzf83

Upon completion of the registration process, you will receive an email confirming whether your application was successful.

Applications are invited from IAWG member organizations and others.



Registration Deadline

February 22, 2019


Nairobi, Kenya


Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator