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Series of 6 Quality and Accountability Courses, SAR, Nov 2020 to April 2021

1 نوفمبر 2020 - 30 أبريل 2021

Event Type: Private Event Category: Sphere Content: Some Sphere Content

Event Type: Private
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Some Sphere Content


Registration Deadline

November 1, 2020


Syrian Arab Republic


Lead Facilitator

Courses for Mercy Corps partners: Bahar, Big Hear, IHR, IYD, Orange and SARD

• Module 1: Quality and Accountability (Q&A) – Globally and in Syria
◦ What is meant by Quality and Accountability (Q&A) and how this relates to Human Rights and good governance
◦ Definition of the terms “Quality” and “Accountability to Affected Populations” in humanitarian work
◦ Globally recognized humanitarian standards that are most relevant to their area of work
◦ Opportunities and challenges when implementing Q&A work in Syria
• Module 2: Q&A through Humanitarian Program Cycle and Project Cycle Management
◦ Difference between the HPC and PCM and identification of the 5 stages of each
◦ Q&A considerations at each stage of the PCM
◦ Areas of good practice and potential improvement in Q&A amongst local actors
• Module 3: Q&A – Key themes and Approaches
◦ Themes: Inclusion, feedback and Complaint mechanisms (Learning and improving), protection from Gender Based Violence / Sexual Exploitation & Abuse, Do No Harm ◦ Approaches: Staff Management (Including Remote Management)
▪ Coordination (incl. Data & Information Management)
▪ Security Management
▪ Capacity Strengthening
◦ Priorities based on context – principle Q&A themes
◦ Q&A themes and approaches that are particularly relevant for their own organizations
◦ Principle approaches and how they can help to enable Q&A
• Module 4: Accountability Framework for Syria
◦ Purpose of the Accountability Framework for Syria
◦ Main elements of the framework and practical implications
◦ Suggestions for which organizations could take individual and collective responsibility for delivering the framework
• Module 5: Practical Actions (Action plan): SWOT analysis, recommendations and Q&A framework
▪ Designing a short/medium term action plan to implement Q&A in their work
▪ Setting up collective action with peers in same/close locations and provide mutual support
◦ When and how to monitor and follow up on action plans.


Registration Deadline

November 1, 2020


Syrian Arab Republic


Lead Facilitator