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Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines (DRRNetPhils)

Amor J. Tan Singco
Amor J. Tan Singco Lead for Policy Advocacy mtajtansingco@cdp.org.ph


Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines or DRRNetPhils was established on the 12th of June in 2008. This collective initiative of civil society organization, academe, and disaster risk reduction (DRR) practitioners aimed to support the passage of the Republic Act No. 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010. Since the law has been enacted, the network has been active towards its full implementation, upholding maximum and meaningful participation of the most vulnerable.

  • Greater participation of communities and CSOs in National and Local DRRM
  • More effective institutional mechanism for DRRM
  • Enhanced and coherent planning & implementation on DRRM-CCAM
  • Additional funding and greater accountability for DRRM programs in the Philippines
  • Strengthening Leadership in National and Local Humanitarian Preparedness and response
  • Establishing community of practice on DRRM and CCAM

Events & Training

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Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines (DRRNetPhils)

Amor J. Tan Singco
Amor J. Tan Singco Lead for Policy Advocacy mtajtansingco@cdp.org.ph


Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines or DRRNetPhils was established on the 12th of June in 2008. This collective initiative of civil society organization, academe, and disaster risk reduction (DRR) practitioners aimed to support the passage of the Republic Act No. 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010. Since the law has been enacted, the network has been active towards its full implementation, upholding maximum and meaningful participation of the most vulnerable.

  • Greater participation of communities and CSOs in National and Local DRRM
  • More effective institutional mechanism for DRRM
  • Enhanced and coherent planning & implementation on DRRM-CCAM
  • Additional funding and greater accountability for DRRM programs in the Philippines
  • Strengthening Leadership in National and Local Humanitarian Preparedness and response
  • Establishing community of practice on DRRM and CCAM

Events & Training

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