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شكر وتقدير

هذه الطبعة من دليل اسفير هي نتيجة عملية أ ً كثر تنوعا وتوعية في تاريخ اسفير. التشاور ال تم تلقي ما يقرب من 4500 إ تعليق عبر النترنت من 190 منظمة، وشارك أكثر من 1400 شخص ًا استضافها شركاؤنا في 40 في 60 حدثًا شخصي ً بلدا. يدرك اسفير بكل االمتنان حجم ونطاق المساهمات المقدمة، بما في ذلك المقدمة من المنظمات غير الحكومية الوطنية والمحلية والدولية والسلطات الوطنية والوزارات، و أحمر، أحمر والهالل ال جمعيات الصليب ال أمم المتحدة، والجامعات، ومنظمات ال والممارسين الفرديين. نسق مكتب اسفير عملية التنقيح والمراجعة. تضمن الدليل فصوال فردية لمؤلفين رئيسيين ّ مع دعم متعدد القطاعات من خبراء موضوعيين معينين وخبراء من ا إ لقطاع النساني. وقد تم ترشيح غالبية المؤلفين والخبراء الموضوعيين من قبل منظماتهم الوطنية، حيث خصصوا وقتهم وجهدهم كمساهمة عينية للقطاع. كما تأسست مجموعات للكتابة ومجموعات للمراجع لدعم المؤلفين والخبراء الموضوعيين في عملهم. تقر أفراد خالل عامي 2017 و2018 .

فيما يلي أسماء المؤلفين والخبراء الرئيسيين.


حسب الفصل

    • Aisab Sabrina, ADRRN
    • Blagescu Monica, DEC
    • de Geoffroy Véronique, Groupe URD
    • Iqbal Rizwan, CWS Asia
    • Knox-Clarke Paul, ALNAP
    • Komino Takeshi, CWS Japan
    • Loquercio David, CHS Alliance
    • Matsuo Sawako, JANIC
  • Chapter Authors

    • Russell Simon, Global Protection Cluster
    • Sutton Kate, Humanitarian Advisory Group (HAG)

    Peer Review Group

    • Bloomfield Liz, InterAction
    • Cano Mireia, GenCap
    • Carstensen Nils, DCA
    • Damon Charlie, CARE
    • Darcy James, Independent
    • Dwyer Emily, Edge Effect
    • Grundin Sofie, Local 2 Glocal Protection
    • Hayat Shahana, Save the Children Bangladesh
    • Imbiti Diana, Save the Children Kenya
    • Joyce Erin, World Vision Australia
    • Saint Just Aurelia, CRS
    • Kvernmo Jennifer, IOM
    • Lange Kirstin, UNHCR
    • Lauten Brooke, NRC
    • Lee Amra, ACC
    • Lenz Jessica, InterAction
    • MacArdle Deirdre, Trocaire
    • MacGruder Emily, CRS
    • McAvoy Jenny, InterAction
    • Ndhlovu Michelle, UNHCR
    • Pasztor Gregey, IRC
    • Rodogovsky Adva, CAFOD
    • Saifi Azhar Rehan, Islamic Relief
    • Schenkenberg Ed, Independent
    • Shevach Sally Airs, HAG Bangkok
    • Sitko Pamela,World Vision International
    • Sooma Patrick,World Vision International
    • Vanhorssen Irene, Helpage
    • Wisniewski Susan, Terre des Hommes

    Writing team

    • Cowley Catherine, Caritas Australia – CAFOD – CRS
    • White Paul, ProCap
  • Chapter Authors

    • Dyer Kit, Norwegian Church Aid
    • Lamb Jenny, Oxfam
    • Acquitapace Alberto, Solidarités
    • Adams John, Independent
    • Ahmad Syed Yasir, IMC
    • Akudago John, Samaritan’s Purse
    • Anderson Matt, Independent
    • Ausel Janet, Samaritan’s Purse
    • Bastable Andy, Oxfam
    • Bellet Francois, UNICEF
    • Benlahsen Thierry, Solidarités
    • Blanc Damien, ECHO
    • Boisson Sophie, WHO
    • Bouvet Franck, UNICEF – GWC
    • Broadhurst Franklin, OFDA
    • Brogan Kate, Independent
    • Brokhuijsen Marije, UNICEF
    • Brooks Nick, Care International
    • Burt Murray, UNHCR
    • Carrier Paul, Independent
    • Carter Will, IFRC
    • Chainey Ewan, OXFAM
    • Clatworthy David, International Rescue Committee
    • de France Jennifer, WHO
    • Deniel Karine, ACF
    • D’Mello-Guyett Lauren, LSHTM / MSF
    • Dodos Jovana, ACF
    • Ferron Suzanne, Independent
    • Flachenberg Franck, Concern
    • Gengler Vincent, ACF
    • Handzel Tom, CDC
    • Harvey Ben, Independent
    • Harries Kathryn, Independent
    • Hawkings Helen, Independent
    • Heath Tom, ACF
    • Heeger Jan, WHO
    • Hekel Daniel, Samaritan’s Purse
    • Hansch Steven, Relief International
    • Hayter Arabella, WHO
    • Hoffman Oliver, German WASH Network
    • House Sarah, Independent
    • Irvine Elizabeth, Independent
    • Jette Natalie, Canadian Red Cross
    • Kelly Charle, Independent
    • Knight Lucy, Oxfam
    • Lacan Anne-Lise, ACF
    • Lamond Bibi, IRC
    • Lantagne Daniele, Tufts
    • Lee Kevin, Single Drop
    • Lloyd Anne, Independent
    • Luff, Richard, Independent
    • Majwa Philimon, UNICEF
    • Majuru Batsirai, WHO
    • Melesse Simeneh Gebeyehu, UNHCR
    • Medlicott Kate, WHO
    • Mughal F H, Independent
    • Mungai Paul, Samaritan’s Purse
    • Opryszko Melissa, OFDA
    • Orcajada Ron, Samaritan’s Purse
    • O’Rielly Marion, Oxfam
    • Pandey Ranjan, MWSS, Gov of Nepal
    • Paradiso Carmen, Independent
    • Paul Ajay, Welfhungerhelfe
    • Pererira Sunny, UNICEF
    • Porteaud Dominique, UNICEF – GWC
    • Purchas Harriette, RedR UK
    • Radufe Aurélien, ACF
    • Rahbany Aline, World Vision
    • Ramos Monica, ECHO
    • Reade Alan, GOAL
    • Reed Brian, WEDC
    • Rueck Johannes, German WASH Network
    • Saltori Roberto, UNICEF
    • Sanduvac Zeynep M. Turkmen, Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies
    • Schafer Alison, World Vision
    • Sharma Anusha, SEEDS, India
    • Standley Brian, CAFOD
    • Tabal George, UNICEF
    • Tellier Siri, University of Copenhagen
    • Thomas John, Independent
    • Torres Antonio, IOM
    • Vandevelde Thierry, Veolia
    • Walden Vivien, Oxfam
    • Walker Liz, IRC
    • Wallusch Rolando, CRS
    • Weber Nicole, CDC
    • Wise Tracy, OFDA
  • Chapter Authors

    • Wang’ang’a Daniel, World Vision International (Food security)
    • Wasike Paul, Save the Children USA (Nutrition)

    Food Security

    • Angeloni Marina, WFP
    • Candice Holly, Independent
    • Duechting Andrea, FAO
    • Fioekou Cédric, Solidarités
    • Hamadziripi Alfred, CRS
    • Hansch Steven Hansch, Academia
    • Inniss-Springer Evangeline, Disaster Management, Virgin Islands
    • Jamal Siva, WFP
    • Mathews Gregory, IRC
    • Mayans Julie, Solidarités
    • Maxwell Daniel, Tufts University
    • Milisic Zlatan, WFP
    • Mulandi Richard, World Vision International
    • Neese Barbara, Coopi
    • Olholm Thomas, NRC
    • Pantella Lucia, Coopi
    • Pinnock Geoffrey, WFP
    • Steinmaier Normann, Welthungerhilfe
    • Watson Cathy, LEGS


    • Acharya Pushpa, WFP-Italy
    • Bauer Brooke, Nuture Project International-UAE
    • Berry Nina, University of Sidney-Australia
    • Golden Michael, University of Aberdeen-Ireland
    • Hoffman Oliver, Johanniter-Germany
    • Lee Hyunju, LSHTM-UK
    • Li Liubai, Peking University Health Science Center-China
    • Richardson Leah, Ind. Consultant-Sweden
    • Rwegyema Twaha, University Research Co., LLC-Uganda
    • Shahid Saba, Indus Hospital-Pakistan
    • Tellier Siri, University of Copenhagen-DNMK
  • Chapter Authors

    • Hirano Seki, CRS
    • Serdaroglu Ela, IFRC


    • Abdellaoui Jammila, UNHCR
    • Adesh Tripathee, Habitat
    • AlhetarAmmar, Ali Mohammed
    • Argenal Eddie, USAID OFDA
    • Arouet Charles
    • Ashmore Joseph, IOM
    • Aurouet Charles, French Red Cross
    • Babister Lizzie
    • Bauman Neil, Canadian Red Cross/IFRC
    • Blanc Damien, ECHO
    • Brackett Natalie, INEE
    • Braedt Cecilia, IFRC
    • Brighton Neil, NRC
    • Brun Cathrine, OBU
    • Cordero Ricardo Pla, Handicap International
    • Corsellis Tom, Shelter Centre
    • Dalgado David
    • Daniela Raiman, UNHCR
    • David Garcia
    • Davidson Sara
    • Dewast Caroline, NRC
    • Doran Nancy, CRS
    • Dummett Cassie, CAFOD
    • Eynon Alyson
    • Farme Kirstie, NRC
    • Flinn Bill, CARE
    • Flores Mario, Habitat
    • Genot Xavier, French Red Cross
    • George Amanda, Swedish Red Cross
    • Glenn-Haley Kali, USAID OFDA
    • Grafweg Annika
    • Hand Philip
    • Hilmi Mohamed, InterAction
    • Hurkmans Bo, UNHCR
    • Illangasinghe Mil, IOM
    • Illangasinghe Milindi, UNHCR
    • Jahn Ina
    • Joseph Sophie, Habitat
    • Karapandi Erica, Shelter Centre
    • Kelly Charles
    • Kennedy James
    • Krolik Megan, Habitat
    • Laasme Haly, Columbia University
    • Larraza Mikel, CRS
    • Luff Richard
    • Maina Elmina, SCI
    • Malany Lee, USAID OFDA
    • McCaughey Jamie Nanyang, Technological University, Singapore
    • McDonald Gregg
    • McNulty Kevin, Mercy Corps
    • Moles Olivie,r CRAterre
    • Moore Brett, UNHCR
    • Mountfield Ben
    • Nunes Nuno, IOM
    • Opdyke Aaron, University of Colorado
    • Palmer Roz, Gans studio
    • Palmer Elizabeth, Save The Children
    • Palo Thomas
    • Parrack Charles, OBU
    • Piccioli Alberto, IOM
    • Rajczak Lauren, InterAction
    • Rao Shobha, NRC/HLP AoR
    • Reilly Donal, CRS
    • Richardson Jamie, CRS
    • Rule Amelia, CARE international
    • Sadural Ariel, CRS
    • Sailendra Pattanaik, CRS
    • Savla Mehul, CRS
    • Sennewald Bea, AFA
    • Sharma Anshu, SEEDS
    • Sitko Pamela, World Vision
    • Skrine Isabel, Shelter Centre
    • Sladden Tim, UNFPA
    • Sophonpanich Wan, IOM
    • Taufik Rahmat
    • Thomas Manisha
    • Treherne Corinne, IFRC
    • Tulio Mateo, CRS
    • Wahlstrom Emilia, UN Environment / OCHA Joint Unit
    • Wain John, UNHCR
    • Williams David, Plan International
    • Wisniewski Susan, Terre Des Hommes
    • Yap Gina, CFSI
    • Zarins Jake, Habitat
    • Zavales John, USAID OFDA
  • Chapter Authors

    • Devanath Dr Durgavasini, IFRC
    • Hall Dr Julie, IFRC
    • Harvie Dr Jude, IMC
    • Krishnan Dr Unni, Save the Children Australia
    • Pasha Dr Eba, Independent

    Whole chapter

    • Allen Gidraf Kahindo Maina, UNHCR
    • Blanchet Karl, LSHTM
    • Gayer Michelle, IRC
    • Griekspoor Andre, WHO
    • Kim Hyo Jeong, WHO
    • Lewis Chris, DfID
    • Miller Nate, UNICEF
    • Pfaffman Jerome, UNICEF

    Chapter introduction

    • Breitgegger Alexander, ICRC
    • Cordoba Javier, ICRC
    • Downey Erin, ICRC
    • Raciti Irene, ICRC
    • Trambaiolo Giovanni, ICRC

    Health systems

    • Badinier Arnaud, WHO
    • Blanchet Karl, London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
    • Breitgegger Alexander, ICRC
    • Colombo Sandro, Independent
    • Commetto Giorgio, WHO
    • Cordoba Javier, ICRC
    • Downey Erin, ICRC
    • Garfield Richard, CDC
    • Griekspoor Andre, WHO
    • Helderman Trina, Medair
    • Horemans Dirk, WHO
    • Jowett Matthew, WHO
    • Kim Hyo Jeong, WHO
    • Mala Peter, WHO
    • Miller Nate, UNICEF
    • Montenegro Harnan, WHO
    • Mpairwe Allan, WHO
    • Norton Ian, WHO
    • Pfaffman Jerome, UNICEF
    • Raciti Irene, ICRC
    • Spiegel Paul, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    • Tessema Mesfin, IRC
    • Trambaiolo Giovanni, ICRC
    • Waldman Roland, George Washington University
    • Wijekoon Niluka, WHO

    Communicable diseases

    • Brennan Muireann, CDC/UNICEF
    • Cano Mirena, Sphere Gender
    • Cookson Susan, CDC
    • Curry David, Independent
    • Helderman Trina, Medair
    • Jeong Hyo, WHO
    • Kayden Stephanie, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
    • Khudonazarov Juma, Helpage
    • Lesieur Elise, Premiere Urgence Internationale
    • Martie Melanie, WHO
    • Martinez Esperanza, ICRC
    • Pelly Isabelle, Sphere Cash
    • Pla Codero Ricardo, Sphere Disabilities
    • Rich Sarah, Women’s Refugee Commission
    • Sfier Yara, Action Contre La Faim
    • Shetty Dr. Pranav, International Medical Corps
    • Shetty Sharmila, CDC
    • Sitko Pamela, World Vision International
    • Soulier Celine, Action contre la faim
    • Tomczyk Dr. Basia, CDC
    • Waldman Roland, George Washington University
    • Wisniewski Susan, Sphere Children

    Child health

    • Beck Nam Seon, International Vaccine Institute
    • Blanchet Karl, LSHTM
    • Brennan Muireann, UNICEF
    • Colombo Sandro
    • Doull Linda, WHO
    • Dyment Wendy, Medair
    • Forsythe Vivienne, WHO
    • Garfield Richard, CDC
    • Griekspoor Andre, WHO
    • Hansch Steven, Academia
    • Haque Rezauk, BRAC
    • Kim Hyo Jeong, WHO
    • McQueen Kelly Vanderbilt
    • Miller Nate, UNICEF
    • Musa Dr. Mohammed, BRAC
    • Pfaffman Jerome, UNICEF
    • Shetty Dr. Pranav, International Medical Corps
    • Thomas Joe, PPD
    • Tomczyk Dr. Basia, CDC
    • Zainudin Norzila, Mercy Malaysia

    Sexual and reproductive health

    • Blanchet Karl, LSHTM
    • Brennan Muireann, UNICEF
    • Dakkak Dr. Henia, UNFPA
    • Doull Linda, WHO
    • Forsythe Vivienne, WHO
    • Griekspoor Andre, WHO
    • Hansch Steve, Academia
    • Krause Sandra, WRC
    • McGinn Therese, Columbia
    • McQueen Kelly Vanderbilt
    • Miller Nate, UNICEF
    • Musa Mohammed, BRAC
    • Prof. Parasurman, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
    • Ribka Amsalu, Save the Children
    • Samina Pushpita, Bandeis
    • Thomas Joe, PPD
    • Tomczyk Dr. Basia, CDC
    • Tong Katie, Independent

    Trauma care

    • Wladis Andreas, ICRC
    • Rau Barbara, Red Cross Movement
    • Barth Cornelia, Red Cross Movement
    • Nouvet Elysee, Western University
    • Weerts Eric, Handicap International
    • Krakauer Eric, WHO
    • van Berlaer Gerland, University Hospital Brussels
    • Laasme Haly, Independent/ State of Delaware (USA) – Delaware Health and Social Services/ NEADA
    • Jansen Jeroen, Evidence Aid
    • Mills Jody, WHO
    • Zlot Marc, Red Cross Movement
    • Olim Nelson, WHO/ICRC
    • Skelton Peter, Handicap International
    • Craven Rachel, Independent
    • Shaheen Robina, ACF-UK
    • Pietzsch Silke, Action Against Hunger USA
    • Tushar Wali, CBM
    • Nientiet Sonja, ICRC
    • Shugg Sophie, Plan International
    • Potokar Tom, Interburns / University of Swansea
    • Wisniewski Susan, Terre des hommes / Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
    • Reynolds Teri, WHO

    Mental health
    See reviewer list for the theme “Mental Health and Psychosocial Support”.

    Non-communicable diseases

    • Beran David, University of Geneva
    • de la Rosa Olimpia, Save The Children
    • Hering Heiko, UNHCR
    • Kayden Stephanie, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
    • Khudonazarov Juma, Helpage
    • Kiapi Lilian, IRC UK
    • Kracauer Eric, WHO
    • Le Feuvre Peter, Independent
    • Mobula Linda, OFDA USAID
    • Nouvet Elysée, Independent
    • Ratnayake Ruwan, IRC
    • Rich Sarah, Women’s Refugee Commission
    • Salama Slim, WHO
    • Schafer Alison, World Vision International
    • Sfeir Yara, Action contre la faim
    • Soulier Celine, Action contre la faim
    • Tomczyk Basia, CDC
    • Tonelli Marcello, University of Calgary
    • van Horssen Irene, HelpAge
    • Walia Sonia, OFDA USAID
    • Wisniewski Susan, Sphere Writing Group

    Palliative care

    • Aebischer Perone Sigiriya, University of Geneva, ICRC
    • Ager Alastair, Queen Margaret University
    • Akinnawo Ayodele, IFRC
    • Beran David, University of Geneva
    • Devanath Durgavashni, IFRC
    • Drummond Chris, Australasian Palliative Link International
    • French Michael, Lutheran World Federation
    • Hering Heiko, UNHCR
    • Krakauer Eric, WHO
    • Marston Joan, PALCHASE
    • Nouvet Elisée, Western University
    • Roglic Gojka, WHO
    • Schafer Alison, World Vision International
    • Sutton Brett, DoH
    • Ventevogel Peter, UNHCR

    WASH in healthcare settings

    • Badinier Arnaud, WHO
    • Blanchet Karl, London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
    • Colombo Sandro, Independent
    • Devanath Dr Durgavasini, IFRC
    • Griekspoor Andre, WHO
    • Helderman Trina, Medair
    • Horemans Dirk, WHO
    • Kim Hyo Jeong, WHO
    • Pasha Dr Eba, Independent
    • Sacristan Jordi, WHO
    • Tessema Mesfin, IRC


حسب الموضوع

  • Thematic expert:
    Pelly Isabelle, CaLP

    • Alam Aftab, Plan International
    • Battistin Francesca, Save the Children UK
    • Brick Dina, CRS
    • Durham Claire, IFRC
    • Golay Alice, SDC
    • Henderson Mark, NRC
    • Julliard Helene, Individual
    • Lænkholm Christer, Danish Church Aid
    • Lamb Jenny, Oxfam
    • Lamm John, USAID
    • Ledo Marga, IFRC
    • Matthews Gregory, IRC
    • Mattinen Hanna, UNHCR
    • Nicolini Davide, UNHCR
    • Nour Tahir, WFP
    • O’Malley Ciara, CARE International
    • Pietzsch Silke, ACF
    • Saleh Deqa, ADESO
    • Seferis Louisa, DRC
    • Seshasai Satwik, Segovia
    • Swift Alexa, Mercy Corps
    • Temesgen Belete, World Vision
  • Thematic expert:
    Wisniewski Susan, Terre des Hommes

    • Arjona Ana Belen Anguita, UNHCR-Americas
    • Ballarin Francesca, Independent
    • Brackett Natalie, INEE
    • Brogan John, Terre des hommes
    • Elliott Leiani, Independent
    • Fischer Hanna-Tina, Colombia Universiy
    • Hamwie Hamza, Sphere Tainer
    • Kaburu Francesco Njagi, CISP East Africa Office
    • Karmarcharya Nawjeet, Terre des hommes
    • Kieselbach Berit Sabine, WHO
    • Lim Sara, Independent
    • Lind Megan, CP AoR/UNICEF
    • Mansourian Hani, Alliance for Child Protection
    • Matarazzo Monica, INTERSOS
    • Metzler Janna, Colombia School of Social Work
    • Moyo Ndangariro, UNICEF
    • Muoki Magdalene, CISP East Africa Office
    • Ngunjiri Morgan, Independent
    • Peuschel Minja, Save the Children
    • Queirazza Anita, Plan International
    • Rakotomala Sabine, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
    • Rupp Fiamma, UNICEF
    • Shugg Sophie, Plan International
    • Singh Gurvinder, International Federation Red Cross/Crescent
  • Thematic experts:
    Harrick Mark, WVI
    Jalovec Jennifer, Terre des Hommes

    • Anders Birthe, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative-USA
    • Biswass Sonia, USAID
    • Bollettino Enzo, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative – USA
    • Cerqueira Bruno, Brazilian Peace Keeping Operations Joint Training Center
    • Colona Silvia, British Red Cross
    • Dacayan Owen, Habitat for Humanity International Asia Pacific
    • El-Tayeb Hawaa, UN Secretariat Policy and Doctrine Team, Office of Military Affairs
    • Fox Tony, Naval War College-USA
    • Higgins David, UK Stabilisation Unit Kenya
    • Jayaswal Ameet, UNOCHA-Mail
    • Kaplan Josiah, University of Oxford
    • Kirkham Andrew, Christian Aid UK
    • Levine Adam, Brown University
    • Mahajan Vikrant, Sphere India
    • McNicol Chris, Australian CivMil Centre
    • Miloti Vince, World Vision International
    • Oliver Dr. Charles, W. DCHA/CMC/USAID
    • Polatty Dave, Naval War College – USA
    • Rajczak Lauren, InterAction
    • Reck Marie Sophie, UNOCHA
    • Reed Capt. Paul, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
    • Reiterer Josef, UNOCHA
    • Sawyer Aleks, Save the Children – DRC
    • Thamrin Tanty, MPBI (Indonesia)
    • Thein Sithu Pe, UNOCHA
    • Tift Randy, World Vision USA
    • Todd Dr. Bill
    • Vermeij Dr. Lotte, MONUSCO-DRC
    • Zavales John, USAID OFDA Military Liaison Team
  • Thematic experts (Environment):
    George Amanda, Swedish Red Cross / OCHA-UNEP Environment unit
    Palo Thomas, Swedish Red Cross

    Thematic experts (DRR):
    Dolcemascolo Glenn, UNISDR
    Njogu Muthoni, UNISDR

    • Benavides de la Vega Lourdes, Oxfam Intermón
    • Brangeon Samantha, Groupe URD
    • Carlzon Thomaz, IFRC
    • Clark-Ginsberg Aaron, Standford University
    • Clemens Jürgen, Malteser International
    • Fox Patrick, Swedish Red Cross
    • Godfred Paul, HelpAge
    • Hartelius Julia, Australian Red Cross
    • Hauer Moritz, Lund University
    • Herrgård Moa, UN MGC
    • Kadihasanoglu Aynur, Red Cross
    • Kelly Charles, UCL
    • Kelman Ilan, Independent
    • Latif Razi, DFID Pakistan
    • Litsegård Mikael, BIAB International
    • Moke Markus, Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH)
    • Pepson Elwood Jennifer, WWF US
    • Richardson Jamie, Catholic Relief Services
    • Solidarités d’Afrique
    • Stone David, Proact Network
    • Stothart Dan, United Nations Environment Programme
    • ThomasSebastián, Oxfam Intermón
    • Van Breda Anita, WWF US
    • Wamsler Christine, Lund University
    • Wahlstrom Emilia, UN Environment / OCHA Joint Unit
    • Young Anna, Swedish Red Cross
  • Thematic expert:
    Cano Mireia, GENCAP

    • Brun Delphine, GENCAP / CARE
    • Carreras Anabel, GENCAP
    • Fowler Catie, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies
    • Laforce Valerie, GENCAP / OCHA
    • Pearce Emma, Women’s Refugee Commission
    • Pillay Anu, GENCAP
    • Quay Isadora, CARE
    • Rosenberg Jennifer, Women’s Refugee Commission
    • Rule Amelia, CARE
    • Sajor Indai, GENCAP
    • Sarkar Madhumita, GENCAP
    • Soumana Fatouma, CARE
  • Thematic expert:
    Ward Jeanne, Independent

    • Cornish Sarah, IRC
    • Dennis Rebecca, PAI
    • Heitmann Silje, NCA
    • Kenny Erin, UNFPA
    • Krasnor Emily, UNFPA
    • Lafreniere Julie, Oxfam
    • Marsh Mendy, UNICEF
    • McNulty Kevin, Mercy Corps
    • Patrick Erin, GBV Guidelines Implementation Support Team
    • Poulton Catherine, UNICEF
    • Foran Siobhan, CARE
  • Thematic experts:
    van Ommeren Dr. Mark, WHO
    Ventevogel Peter, UNHCR

    • Abuzid Abdalmajid, Independent
    • Alphonsus Ela, Independent
    • Angi Kathy, Independent
    • Awad Zena, Independent
    • Baingana Florence, Independent
    • Bar-On Tammy, Independent
    • Bizouerne Cecile, ACF
    • Blaauw Margriet, MHPSS.net
    • Bonz Annie, IRC
    • Borja Aladin, IOM
    • Boschma Anouk, War Trauma Foundation
    • Brophy Marcia, Save the Children
    • Budosan Boris, Maltheser
    • Campos Rodrigo, Independent
    • Carswell Ken, WHO
    • Chammay Rabih, MoH Lebanon
    • Chowdury Mita Rani Roy, ACF
    • Correia Ana, MSF
    • de Fouchier Capucine, WHO
    • Dickson Kelly, University College London
    • Dinesen Cecilie, IFRC
    • Dozzio Elisabetta, ACF
    • Eaton Julian, CBM
    • Echeverri Carolina, Independent
    • ElShazly Mohamed, UNHCR
    • FitzGibbon Atallah, Islamic Relief Worldwide
    • French Michael, Lutheran World Foundation
    • Gagliato Marcio, MHPSS.net
    • Galappatti Ananda, MHPSS.net
    • Gray Brandon, Independent
    • Hamwie Hamza, Independent
    • Hanna Fahmy, WHO
    • Harrison Sarah, Danish Red Cross
    • Hijazi Zeinab, Independent
    • Hsing Meihan, Independent
    • Humayun Asma, Independent
    • Jones Lynne, Independent
    • Justima Emmanuel, Independent
    • Kestel Devora, PAHO
    • Khundonazarov Juma, HelpAge International
    • Kosmatopoulou Angeliki, UNHCR
    • Le Roy Jaak, Independent
    • Leichner Ashley, IMC
    • Letzelter Alexandre, MDM
    • Lewis-O’Donnell Michele, Independent
    • Lopes Cardozo Barbara, CDC
    • Madan Athena, Independent
    • Maetzler Jenna, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
    • Mansouri Wassila, Islamic Relief Worldwide
    • Mohanraj Andrew, Independent
    • Naturale April, Independent
    • Nemiro Ashley, IRC
    • O’Connell Ruth, Independent
    • Onyango Mangen Patrick, TPO Uganda
    • Perez-Sales Pau, University of Madrid
    • Pla Filorizzo Anne, HealthWorks
    • Reali Renate, MHPSS.net
    • Ribeiro Sofia, Independent
    • Santos Rauell Rhaj, WHO
    • Shafer Alison, World Vision International
    • Shemesh Yahel, Independent
    • Shoukeh Nour H., Independent
    • Silove Derrick, University of New South Wales
    • Silva Filipa, Independent
    • Singh Ranta Randhir, Independent
    • Snider Leslie, Save the Children DK
    • Somasundaram Daya, University of Jaffna
    • Tayama Eri, Independent
    • Tol Wietse, PCAF
    • Tucker Melissa, Catholic Relief Services
    • Waade Maria, Church of Sweden
    • Walia Sonia, USAID OFDA
    • Wall Kathie, Independent
    • Weissbecker Inka, IMC
    • Wessells Mike, Columbia University
    • Whitney Claire, IMC
    • Willhoite Ann, USAID
  • Thematic expert:
    Olsen Joanna, CRS

    • Cyvoct Genevieve, CHS Alliance
    • Hernández Atria Mier, Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria
    • Korus Uwe, Care International
    • Miskelly Clodagh, British Red Cross
    • Ní Bhriain Lesley, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade – Ireland
    • Perrin Paul, University of Notre Dame
    • Polak Suzanne, USAID
    • Shaheen Dr. Robina, Action Against Hunger
    • Walden Dr Vivien Margaret, Oxfam International / British Red Cross
  • Thematic experts:
    Hand Phillip, HelpAge International
    Van Horssen Irene, HelpAge International

    • Albone Rachel, HelpAge International
    • Collodel Andrew
    • Khudonazarov Juma, HelpAge International
    • Rizzo Emanuela, HelpAge International
  • Thematic expert:
    Fay Alice, UNHCR

    • Bagyinszky Ferenc
    • Dago Charles
    • Das Asis
    • De la Rosa Olimpia
    • Doriaswamy Sathyanaryanan
    • Ferreryra Cecilia
    • Goguadze Lasha
    • Henghuber Heinz
    • Kalume Whisky
    • Mbasha Jerry-Jonas
    • McCartney Daniel
    • Mesic Anita
    • Mia Mumtaz
    • Mudekereza Alice
    • Sladden Tim
    • Sonko Charles
    • Sutton Brett
    • Tarney Elizabeth
    • Vargas Josep
  • Thematic expert:
    Pla Cordero Ricardo, Humanity and Inclusion

    • Asifa Mariyam, IFRC
    • Aykroyd Kate, Humanity and Inclusion
    • Devandas Catalina, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
    • Haghebaert Bruno, IFRC
    • Kabir Mahbub
    • Könkkölä Kalle, ABILIS Foundation
    • Konttinen Rea, ABILIS Foundation
    • Lange Kirstin, UNHCR
    • Martínez Javier Cidón, Architects Without Borders
    • Pearce Emma, WRC
    • Schmidt Axel, ASB
    • Skelton Peter, Humanity and Inclusion
    • Treherne Corinne, IFRC
    • Thivillier Pauline, Humanity and Inclusion
  • Thematic expert:
    Sekkenes Sara, UNDP

    • IASC Task Team on Strengthening the Humanitarian/Development Nexus with a focus on protracted contexts
    • Kwame Poku, WHO
  • Thematic expert:
    Fenton George, Humanitarian Logistics Association

    • Ashmore Joseph, IOM
    • Brick Dina, CRS
    • Coates Sally, Independent
    • Huot-Marchand Stéphane, ICRC
    • Merrill Scott, UN HABITAT
    • Naidoo Pat, Save the Children
    • Ono Takuya, IOM
    • Rodrigues Neil, IMC
    • Service John, CRS
    • Spence  Jonny, Plan International
    • Zarins Jake, UN HABITAT
  • Thematic expert:
    Sitko Pamela, WVI

    • Allard Pablo, University of Development
    • Allen Claire, Evidence Aid
    • Angelo Marina, WFP
    • Brouder Allan, Habitat for Humanity
    • Campell Leah, ALNAP
    • Carter Sam, Rockefeller Foundation
    • Derksen Michael, NATO
    • Global Alliance
    • Good Practices for Urban Refugees Database
    • IASC Reference Group on Meeting Humanitarian Challenges
    • Joint IDP Profiling Service
    • Kadihasanoglu Anynur, American Red Cross
    • Kayden Stephanie, Independent
    • Masaud Ansa, NRC
    • Medellín Collaboration on Urban Resilience
    • Mountfield Ben, Humanitarian Consultant
    • Osofisan Wale, IRC
    • Pepson Elwood Jennifer, WWF US
    • Putman-Cramer Caroline, Focal Point of Youth & Urban
    • Rahbany Aline, World Vision International
    • Roudy-Fraser Gaela, UNHCR
    • Sanderson David, University of New South Wales
    • Sharma Anshu, Seeds India
    • Stelder Daan, VNG International
    • Thiagarajah Jeevan, Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA)
    • Urban Platforms