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Fighting COVID-19 in Indonesia / Melawan COVID-19 di Indonesia

25 يونيو 2020

9:00 صباحًا - 11:00 صباحًا

Event Type: Public Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

June 25, 2020

Email Address

Contact Number

+41 (0) 22 552 5915


Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator


Guest Speaker



Date: 25 June/Juni 2020
Time: Jakarta 14:00  //  Bali 15:00  //  Jayapura 16:00  //  Geneva 09:00


🇬🇧  Sphere is hosting a series of webinars to share good practice and technical guidance on humanitarian standards in the COVID-19 response. The first webinar of the series will discuss community-led responses through the case of a Javanese urban village where first responders are applying Sphere standards to fight the pandemic.

The event will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia and English. We will provide live captions and translations, including into sign language.


🇮🇩  Sphere menyelenggarakan serial webinar untuk berbagi praktik baik dan panduan teknis tentang standar-standar kemanusiaan dalam respon COVID-19. Seri webinar pertama akan mendiskusikan respon yang dipimpin komunitas melalui kasus kampung urban di Jawa dimana pelaku respon pertama mengaplikasikan standar Sphere untuk menangani pandemi.

Kegiatan webinar akan disampaikan melalui Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris serta disediakan teks langsung dan penerjemah termasuk penerjemah bahasa isyarat.


Key questions

The webinar will challenge the participants on the following topics:
– How can we uphold the right to life with dignity for all?
– How can we move away from a top-down approach to humanitarian response and learn from local expertise?
– How can we work with communities and encourage active participation?
– How can we link local capacities and approaches to international standards?


Sphere’s webinar series is funded by the Global COVID–19 Humanitarian Support Package offered by the H2H Network.


Registration Deadline

June 25, 2020

Email Address

Contact Number

+41 (0) 22 552 5915


Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator


Guest Speaker