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FOSTERING COQUALITY: Open Space for the promotion of Quality within the European Third Sector, online, Spain, 30 September 2024

30 septembre 2024

10:00 - 1:00

Event Type: Public Catégories d’Évènement: , , Sphere Content: No Sphere Content

Event Type: Public
Catégories d’Évènement: , ,
Sphere Content: No Sphere Content


Registration Deadline

September 30, 2024


Madrid, Spain




Dear colleagues from the European Third Sector:

We would like to invite you this September 30th to our second online event: « FOSTERING COQUALITY » (10 – 13 PM), a virtual open space arragned by COQUALITY, the new groundbreaking network that seeks to promote Quality among the European Third Sector entities.

Within this virtual meeting we will offer you several spaces where you will discover the COQUALITY project and you will have the opportunity to present the progress of the projects in which you are currently involved, find partners if necessary and exchange reflections and needs related to quality, maintaining the spirit of collaboration that we at COQUALITY promote among the European Third Sector.

In addition we will also organize one of the first virtual workshops belonging to the COQUALITY network, in the future available only to members:“QUALITY IN ACCOUNTABILITY”, arragned by the consultancy SUSTENTIA, who will illustrate us on the points of convergence between quality and the area of ​​accountability for the improvement of our services related to this area.

Attached to this message you will find the link to the meeting and, if you are interested, please confirm your attendance by filling this form, copying and pasting it on your browser tab (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2NvqzRpyFTQDoaS98Jsu5kqRGdOS8G1jmZ0x13NcBntCy9w/viewform), or writing to jesusdelafuente@icong.org, so we can include you in the dynamics as soon as possible.

We hope to see you there and share together all the curiosities, concerns and suggestions that surrounds the concept of quality and the current affairs of the European Third Sector.

Big hug and kind regards,

Jesús de la Fuente
Project technician for COQUALITY


Registration Deadline

September 30, 2024


Madrid, Spain

