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Sphere India: Introduction to Sphere standards webinar, online, 31 January 2024

janvier 31, 2024

8:00 - 5:00

Event Type: Public Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

January 31, 2024


Lead Facilitator

Guest Speaker

The Sphere Standards represent a vital framework encompassing principles and hashtagminimum hashtaghumanitarian standards in critical areas of response including hashtagWater, hashtagSanitation, and hashtagHygiene (hashtagWASH), hashtagfoodsecurity and hashtagNutrition, hashtageducation hashtagProtection hashtagShelter and Settlement, and hashtagHealth.

Established in 1997, Sphere stands as one of the earliest initiatives dedicated to enhancing quality and accountability within the humanitarian sector.

Today, these standards are globally acknowledged as fundamental benchmarks, utilized by diverse stakeholders ranging from humanitarian agencies to governments, advocacy groups, and donors.

The Sphere Handbook consolidates these standards along with foundational documents like the Humanitarian Charter, the Protection Principles, and the Core Humanitarian Standard, shaping effective humanitarian action worldwide.

Youtube link for the session: https://lnkd.in/gUPgFSZp

hashtagHumanitarian hashtagSphereStandards hashtagAccountability hashtagSphereIndiaAcademy hashtagDRR hashtagdisastermanagement hashtagdisasterriskreduction hashtagdisasterresponse


Registration Deadline

January 31, 2024


Lead Facilitator

Guest Speaker