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Using Sphere Standards in Project Cycle Management

9 août 2022 - 11 août 2022

Event Type: Public Catégories d’Évènement: , Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Catégories d’Évènement: ,
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

July 20, 2022


Kabul, Afghanistan


Lead Facilitator

When: August 9-11, 2022
Where: Kabul, Afghanistan
Language: English
If you wish to participate, please register here

The impact humanitarian work has on communities depends greatly upon the quality of services and accountability of actions both during emergency and non-emergency times. During the last one decade there has been an on-going discussion and developments around accountability and its assurance mechanisms.

Community World Service Asia through its Strengthening Humanitarian Assistance (SHA) program, has provided technical support and guidance to the humanitarian agencies in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Asia-Pacific level. The ultimate focus of humanitarian activities is on the civilian population, and the activities should always have an appropriate and positive influence.

Community World Service Asia is inviting applications for 3 day training on “Using Sphere Standards in Project Cycle Management” in Kabul, Afghanistan. The goal of this training is to build and strengthen the capacity of aid workers in Sphere Minimum Standards to increase their efficiency and effectiveness in addressing the areas of the greatest needs in the humanitarian context by using Sphere Minimum Standards as one of the Quality and Accountability tools.

Aim and Objectives:
This 3-day workshop aims to develop participants to be Sphere practitioners and the goal of the training is to assist participants to apply The Sphere Handbook 2018 as a tool for improving quality and accountability of humanitarian actions by sharing, learning and practicing.

The training will cover the following sessions:

• Sphere History, Background and Latest Updates
• Protection principles, Core Humanitarian Standard and Cross Cutting Themes
• Humanitarian Charter and RCRC Code of Conduct
• Sphere and the Project Cycle Implementation of good practices of Sphere Standards

By the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:
• Explain the philosophy and approach of the Sphere
• Understand and describe the relationship between Sphere, Humanitarian Charter and Rights Based Approach
• Learn to describe the use the Sphere Handbook in the realm of Project Cycle in linkages with technical interventions.
• Learn to apply Sphere in assessments, analysis, planning, monitoring and evaluations, of humanitarian response programme.
• Share experiences of applying Sphere Standards in Afghanistan.

Number of Participants
18-20 participants will be selected for the training. Female staff and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to participants from organizations based in underserved areas. Applicants will be informed by 25th July 2022 about their confirmation status.

Selection Criteria
• Primary responsibility for monitoring and impact assessment /MEAL staff at the project and/or organizational levels.
• No previous exposure/participation in trainings on Using Sphere Standards in Project Cycle.
• Mid or senior level manager in a civil society organization, preferably field staff of large CSOs or CSOs with main office in small towns and cities.
• Willingness to contribute USD 250 for the training. Exemptions may be applied for by CSOs with limited funding and those from marginalized groups. Discount of 10% on early registration by 10th July 2022 and 20% discount will be awarded to women participants.
• Commitment to apply learning in their work, including dissemination of learning within their organization.

Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is a humanitarian and development organization, registered in Pakistan, head-quartered in Karachi and implementing initiatives throughout Asia. CWSA is member of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Alliance, a member of Sphere and their regional partner in Asia and also manages the ADRRN Quality & Accountability Hub in Asia.


Registration Deadline

July 20, 2022


Kabul, Afghanistan


Lead Facilitator