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Sphere Handbook Activity Cards (Version 2, 2021)

  • Sphere Handbook Activity Cards (Version 2, 2021)
    Anglais 185,80 MB zip 2021

    By Sphère

    The Sphere Handbook Activity Cards support learning activities for Sphere workshops and courses. Each card represents an element from, or related to, the Sphere Handbook such as a standard, commitment, program cycle activity, partner or theme.

    The ZIP folder (200Mb) contains a short guide to the cards, and all the files (PNG and PSD) you need to print - professionally or using an office/home printer - this deck of 92 double-sided cards (and even a tuckbox to keep them in).

    The cards may also be used to support online training using platforms such as Miro, Canva's Online Whiteboard or deckhive.

    This resource is currently available in English, Indonesian, Portuguese and Romanian. If you would like to create a translated/localised version, please contact the Sphere office.