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ToT for Sphere trainers in online teaching methods, Online, Jan 2021

18 enero 2021 - 29 enero 2021

Event Type: Private Categoría del Evento: Sphere Content: Some Sphere Content

Event Type: Private
Categoría del Evento:
Sphere Content: Some Sphere Content


Registration Deadline

January 18, 2021




Lead Facilitator

Stephen Blakemore (RedR associate trainer)


Mari Paz (RedR)

Delivering effective online courses
A training course for Sphere trainers

Recent restrictions on travel and in-person gatherings have created a strong demand for online learning. For facilitators, moving training online brings a lot of new challenges. This ToT set out to prepare a group of 16 Sphere trainers to design and deliver engaging online Sphere workshops and courses. For some participants, these were new skills and tools. For others, this was a chance to brush up their online teaching techniques and share their knowledge. For everyone, the course was a chance to build relationships with other trainers and therefore strengthen the Sphere trainer community.

The following listed Sphere trainers participated in the course. Why not contact one of them now to request online Sphere training for your staff.

Almudena Montoliú García, Andrew Nzimbi, Anne Lloyd, Aya Yagan, Daniel Pugh, Dr. Oliver Hoffmann, Hamza Hamwie, Hassan Jenedie, Illiassou Adamou, Mbiri Shiripinda, Paulo Ricardo de Paiva e Souza, Shaza al-Massarani, and Sindie Frederic.

These trainers were joined by focal point representative Zeynep M. Sanduvaç and recent Burkina Faso ToT graduates, Kadi ANABEBOU and Oumar DEMBELE.

ToT graduates Andrew, Oliver, Mbiri and Zeynep went on to put these online facilitation skills into practice at the series of Sphere introductory online workshops for SIMEX 2021.

A Spanish edition of this course took place in June/July 2021.


Registration Deadline

January 18, 2021




Lead Facilitator

Stephen Blakemore (RedR associate trainer)


Mari Paz (RedR)