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Based in

Syrian Arab Republic

Hamza Hamwie



Based in

Syrian Arab Republic
  • Camp coordination & management
  • Shelter, settlement, non-food
  • Protection Principles
  • Psychosocial issues
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Livestock management
  • Quality and accountability
Types of training
  • Sphere technical training
  • Sphere presentations
  • Field-based training
  • Training content development
  • Humanitarian workers
  • Students
  • Government
  • Media

About Hamza Hamwie

Hamza has been involved with Humanitarian operations since over 10 year’s . He has designed and delivered numerous training programs, and facilitated workshops for a range of humanitarian and development organsiations including Syrıan Arab Red Crescent and SNGOs, INGOs “DRC, JRS”, and local communities (Mobaderoon).

He has experience in designing and managing the rights based projects, leading the fields teams in development and humanitarian response, conducting Surveys, advocacy, training need assessment and continues to work in the field and train humanitarian workers. This included primary humanitarian care services, Disaster management, Livestock in Emergencies Guidelines (LEGS), psychosocial care and protection.

Events & Training




Sphere Workshop, Hatay, Turkey, 16 Feb 2023

16 فبراير 2023
16 فبراير 2023
Turkey, izmir, Turkey

Sphere #training gets underway in #Turkey in response to the #TurkeySyriaEarthquakes - with a free lightning one-hour outdoor workshop at the Hatay stadium - led by...

Find out more



Sphere CHS Revision Consultation workshop in Arabic, online, 14 November 2022

14 نوفمبر 2022 10:00 صباحًا - 12:00 مساءً
14 نوفمبر 2022
10:00 صباحًا - 12:00 مساءً

We are delighted to invite you to Sphere’s Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) Revision Consultation Workshop, for Arabic-speakers, on 14th November...

Find out more



Sphere in Practice Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), Mar-May 2021 (English)

by Sphere , Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH)
21 مارس 2021 - 3 مايو 2021
21 مارس 2021 - 3 مايو 2021

Sphere’s newly released e-learning course supports anyone who wishes to learn about humanitarian standards in an interactive and engaging way.

Find out more



Complex emergencies in COVID times: MENA region in focus

by Sphere , MIGRACE , Tamdeen Youth Foundation , UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office , H2H Network
1 أكتوبر 2020 11:00 صباحًا - 1:00 مساءً
1 أكتوبر 2020
11:00 صباحًا - 1:00 مساءً

Download the PowerPoint presentation / عرض باور بوينت Watch the webinar recording / تسجيل الفيديو Fill in the evaluation survey / مسح التقييم...

Find out more


  • Sphere online training package (Arabic)
    الأسبانية 4.43 MB zip 2022
    The Sphere online training package includes materials and guidance for facilitating over 25 interactive online learning activities. It also contains guidance on how to run effective online Sphere workshops and courses, including pre-training preparations and post-training actions.

    This training package is designed for Sphere trainers by Sphere trainers.

    It is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
  • اسفير دراسة حالة # 4 - كوفيد-19 في حالات الطوارئ المعقدة - عدم إلحاق الضرر
    عربى 368.45 KB pdf 2020

    تهدف تدابير الإغلاق والعزل بسبب كوفيد-19 إلى حماية السكان من انتقال المرض، إلا أن لها عواقب مدمرة على سبل عيشهم، لا سيما في سياق حالات الطوارئ المعقدة حيث تكون الحوكمة هشة، والنظم الصحية ضعيفة، والسكان مشردون. وتقتضي المعايير الإنسانية منا ضمان عدم تأثر الأشخاص الذين ندعمهم سلباً. وهذا يتطلب التشاور مع المجتمعات المحلية المتضررة، ودعم أساليب التكيف والرصد المستمر للتدخلات.