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Contribute your expertise to strengthen the Core Humanitarian Standard

The Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) revision process started in early 2022 and was formally launched in May.

The first round of CHS revision consultation events is now underway, in which event participants discuss the suitability of the existing version of the CHS before submitting a co-authored feedback document to the revision team.

An image reading "Core Humanitarian Standard Revision" alongside the organisational logos of CHS Alliance, Groupe URD and Sphere.

CHS revision banner

To find upcoming revision consultation events, visit the Revision events and news page of the CHS website. For guidance on how to host your own event, visit the Revision resources page. Direct feedback is invited at any time via the digital consultation platform.

Consultations gather pace

More than a dozen consultations have now taken place including events hosted by Community World Service Asia (CWSA), the IASC Disability Reference Group (DRG), Sphere, CHS Alliance, Groupe URD, and others. View past events on the Revision events and news page of the CHS website.

As event hosts gather experience and learn from each other, facilitation techniques are being perfected and the number of events is set to increase.

Sphere sets the scene for further consultations by users of technical standards

The CHS is part of the common foundation on which all Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP) technical standards, including Sphere standards, are built. This common foundation is not just useful, but essential, because high quality humanitarian response requires humanitarian actors that hold themselves accountable for their actions and observe principles like collaboration, participation and inclusion at all times; technical standards should not be used in isolation.

Recognizing the importance of the CHS to their community, Sphere hosted a consultation for their trainers, members, and focal points in which participants were asked to state the key challenges facing currently the humanitarian sector. Climate change, accountability, and global migration were the most common themes. The resulting word cloud (shown below) went on to frame and guide the following discussions.

A word cloud. The most prominent expressions are climate change, global migration and accountability.

Word cloud

Several Sphere trainers who attended this event will run similar events in French, Spanish and Arabic during the coming weeks.