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GOAL Sphere ToT, Republic of Ireland, 2021 to 2022

1 diciembre 2021 - 29 noviembre 2022

Event Type: Private Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Private
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

January 1, 1970


Dublin, Ireland (Republic of)

Email Address

Contact Number

00 353 (0)1 2809779


Lead Facilitator

In 2021, GOAL commissioned a Sphere ToT for its Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Team. Given the busy schedule and multiple locations of its members, it was agreed with the Sphere trainer, Axel Schmidt, that we would conduct this training using a hybrid approach. The initial on-line sessions were conducted at the end of 2021. There were followed by face-to-face sessions in Dublin in April 2022 and further online sessions between September and October 2022, concluding with the final individual presentation in November 2022.

The use of the hybrid approach was extremely positive for the entire group, who felt that it added value to the learning experience by putting challenges and solutions in remote and online combined sessions, into practice. A variety of teaching/learning options there discussed and tested. These included pools, debates, breakout rooms, plenaries, role play and more, using both online and in person participation. This practical experience will help GOAL in the design and planning of the Sphere training for our field staff and local partners from 2023.

The hybrid approach is not new, especially after the pandemic, with the mass movement to online trainings. So, GOAL has packaged various trainings with online or pre-recorded sessions. However, we would expect that in-person training will remain relevant and (in many situations) necessary.

Therefore, this Sphere ToT has allowed us to explore various avenues to train our people (considering that GOAL operates in 14 countries) and ensures that we feel confident that GOAL provides humanitarian assistance to communities and people affected by crisis with competent and appropriately trained staff.


Registration Deadline

January 1, 1970


Dublin, Ireland (Republic of)

Email Address

Contact Number

00 353 (0)1 2809779


Lead Facilitator