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Sphere Handbook Launch – New Delhi, India

28 junio 2019

Event Type: Public Categoría del Evento: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Categoría del Evento:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

June 28, 2019


New Delhi, Delhi, India


Registration State & National Level Workshop on Sharing Findings of the Study on Accountability to the Affected Population

We are delighted to learn about the good work that has been implemented by you and your organization during the recent 2018 -19 response in various disasters where one of the most vibrant debate was around accountability to affected population (AAP). To further it, Sphere India, Caritas India, Christian Aid, Save the Children and Islamic Relief are organizing series of consultative workshops on AAP at national and state level in collaboration with respective state IAGs.


Date of the Event in Kerala: 24th June 2019
Date of the Event in Assam: 26th June 2019
Date of the Event in Odisha: 26th June 2019
Date of National Level Workshop in Delhi: 28th June 2019

All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) has been commissioned to carry out a study on the existing mechanisms of ensuring accountability to the affected population in three states of India (Kerala, Assam and Odisha) . AIDMI team will be sharing the key Findings of the Study during these workshops.  During the recent 2018 -19 response in various disasters where one of the most vibrant debate was around accountability to affected population (AAP).

The events also aims to launch new Sphere Handbook in respective states and at national level.

Please save your dates and send your interests to participate in any of these workshops to  Kennedy at kennedy@sphereindia.org.in (M: +91-8285221559) at the earliest.

Click here to Register for the State Level Workshop on Sharing Findings of the Study on Accountability to the Affected Population


Registration Deadline

June 28, 2019


New Delhi, Delhi, India