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Dr. Peter Schmitz

University Bonn, Institut for Hygiene an
Contact Us


Inglés, Alemán

Based in


Dr. Peter Schmitz

University Bonn, Institut for Hygiene an
Contact Us


Inglés, Alemán

Based in

  • VIH y SIDA
  • Reducción del riesgo de desastres
  • Coordinación y gestión de campamentos
  • La Carta Humanitaria
  • Personas con discapacidad
  • Aspectos ambientales
  • Personas mayores
Types of training
  • Capacitación técnica Esfera
  • Presentaciones de Esfera
  • Capacitación sobre el terreno
  • Orientación y tutoría
  • Trabajadores humanitarios
  • Público mixto
  • Estudiantes
  • Gobierno
  • Medios de comunicación

About Dr. Peter Schmitz

Dr. Peter Schmitz is a medical doctor, specialised in surgery, tropical medicine and public health with more than 30 years experience in humanitarian assistance. Before his medical studies he qualified in environmental and hygiene engineering and holds a diploma in healthcare & management in tropical countries.

Following many short term assignments in humanitarian assistance in the Middle East, Africa and South East Asia with various NGOs from 1982 until 1996, he worked with German development service(DED) as a Regional Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health in the North of Namibia until 1999. From 2000 to 2009 he was Programme Director and Chief Medical Officer of Malteser International. His core functions were strategic planning, training, technical and managerial support of the NGO’s programmes in humanitarian assistance focusing on disaster response and on structural development and rehabilitation in post-conflict and post-disaster situations. This included primary health care services, water sanitation and hygiene, HIV /AIDS programmes, psychosocial care, gender based violence, livelihood,reconstruction and community rehabilitation programmes. From May 2009 to March 2013 he was head of health programmes and medical services of former DED, now GIZ in Bonn and he recently started working at the University of Bonn in the Institute for Hygiene and Public Health which is a WHO collaborating centre for Health Promoting Water
Management and Risk Communication. 

He is a Sphere trainer since 2001 and has a profound teaching and training experience in humanitarian assistance, international health, safety and security, HIV / AIDS,  project cycle management and evaluation in university courses and NGO trainings.

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