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Jean Kors

Contact Us


Inglés, Árabe

Based in


Jean Kors

Contact Us


Inglés, Árabe

Based in

  • Educación
  • Educación de adultos
  • La Carta Humanitaria
  • Gestión del ciclo de proyectos
  • Propuestas de proyectos
  • Recuperación económica
  • Reducción del riesgo de desastres
Types of training
  • Presentaciones de Esfera
  • Desarrollo de contenidos de capacitación
  • Orientación y tutoría
  • Capacitación técnica Esfera
  • Público mixto
  • Estudiantes
  • Gobierno
  • Medios de comunicación
  • Trabajadores humanitarios

About Jean Kors

An international consultant and training expert who has provided numerous consultancies and capacity building workshops to hundreds of organizations all over the world especially in the Middle East and North of Africa region. Jean occupied the position of an International Relief Coordinator for eight years and has led several humanitarian response teams and managed complex emergencies all over the world. As Caritas Internationalis MENA Head of Programs and Emergency Coordinator, he substantially contributed into the development of the ‘SPHERE’ Project from its beginnings in the late nineties. Since then, he has conducted tens of Sphere training workshops including Sphere ToTs all around the world. He also lectures at several universities in the region on disaster management, strategic planning, socio-economic development, gender, PCM and social entrepreneurship. Jean is a strategic facilitator with over 20 years of experience in management, development, human rights, Sphere, disaster management and emergency response, protection, advocacy, gender, peace building, leadership, strategic planning, fundraising, HR development, adult learning, capacity building, education, distance learning, project planning and management, monitoring and evaluation.

Events & Training



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