April 27, 2021
Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2021 (Online)
Accountability to people affected by crises has never been more important. The Covid-19 pandemic – and now the roll-out of the vaccine – has highlighted the importance of meaningful, two-way community engagement in the communication of risks, prevention, services and treatment. Following a year when international travel has been highly restricted, and when major cuts to aid budgets have combined with dramatically increased humanitarian need, members of the international aid organisations are expanding partnerships and revisiting their role in support of responses that have been largely led at local level. What have we learned?
In this session we will show the added value of national and local organisations regarding accountability to affected people. We will discuss good partnership practices in the last few months to share learning from the experience and encourage scaling up. We will also analyse remaining challenges for aid actors to be fully accountable to people affected by crises.
Join us and representatives from national organisations to discuss:
(select Event Programme from the menu then search for localisation)
April 27, 2021
Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2021 (Online)