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Leo Frey

Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
Contact Us


English, French, German, Swahili

Based in


Leo Frey

Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
Contact Us


English, French, German, Swahili

Based in

  • Project proposals
  • Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
  • Adult learning
  • Protection Principles
  • Water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)
  • Project cycle management
Types of training
  • Sphere technical training
  • Sphere presentations
  • Training content development
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Humanitarian workers
  • Mixed audience
  • Students
  • Government
  • Media

About Leo Frey

Leo Frey has more than 10 years of experience in humanitarian assistance, development cooperation, and social entrepreneurship.

He is currently Head of Finance at Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.

Previously, he had been the Deputy Head of the Department of Projects and Quality Assurance at Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. (ADH).

ADH, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) and Johanniter International form the Sphere Focal Point in Germany. His duties at ADH included the capacity development of the ADH Member organizations World Vision, CARE, ADRA, Malteser International, Habitat for Humanity, Islamic Relief, and others.

Leo began his career with a local NGO in Tanzania in 2004 and the strengthening of a local perspective in an international context and the promotion of participation have been a guiding principles of his work ever since.

Leo has worked in the Caribbean, East DR Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, and Morocco. He has a strong regional focus on East Africa where he worked in the field for about 3 years.

Leo has expertise in multiple sectors including WASH, Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods, Disaster Risk Reduction, Community Based Rehabilitation, Child Protection, and Gender Equality. In the field of development, he has worked for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the German Development Institute.

Leo has a broad experience as a trainer in the humanitarian and development field, as well as beyond. His experience includes Sphere Minimum Standards in Humanitarian assistance, Core Humanitarian Standards, Humanitarian Quality & Accountability, Project Management, Time Management, Programme Design as well as Proposal and Report Writing. He conducted the first Sphere Training sessions in Germany on the Sphere 2018 Handbook. Since 2013 he is conducting regular Sphere trainings in Germany.

Leo speaks English, Swahili, German and French.

Concerning training methodology, he is a strong supporter of highly interactive and participatory approaches. His workshops are based on methods supported by current neurocognitive studies highlighting participants’ involvement (speaking about, writing about, and working with the learning content), physical activity, extensive use of visualization techniques, and a high level of variation between different sessions.

Events & Training




Sphere in Practice MOOC Catch-up, Online, 6 December, 2021


by Arbeiter Samariter-Bund (ASB) , Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) , Sphere
6 December 2021 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
6 December 2021
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

An interactive, online catch-up for Sphere MOOC graduates, this event was the opportunity to say hello, share experiences, ask questions...

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Sphere in Practice Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), Mar-May 2021 (English)

by Sphere , Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH)
21 March 2021 - 3 May 2021
21 March 2021 - 3 May 2021

Sphere’s newly released e-learning course supports anyone who wishes to learn about humanitarian standards in an interactive and engaging way.

Find out more



Sphere Session at Humanitarian Congress, Berlin, Germany, Oct 2018

by Sphere Focal Point Germany
9 October 2018 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9 October 2018
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Face-to-Face, What's New? (WiN)
Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Germany

Dr. Oliver Hoffmann is Public Health Advisor at Johanniter International Assistance and together with Axel Schmidt (ASB) and Dr. Markus...

Find out more


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