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Grand Asrillia Hotel

Jl. Pelajar pejuang 45
Bandung, jawa barat 40264 Indonesia
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Events & Training

February 2023



Rumah Zakat Sphere Training of Trainers (ToT), Indonesia,14-17 February 2023


by Indonesian Society for Disaster Management (MPBI) , Rumah Zakat
14 February 2023 - 17 February 2023
14 February 2023 - 17 February 2023
Face-to-Face, Training of Trainers (ToT)
Grand Asrillia Hotel, Jl. Pelajar pejuang 45
Bandung, jawa barat 40264 Indonesia

Sphere Training for Trainer. Feb 14-17 2023. ( This ToT is intended for internal Rumah Zakat trainer (www.rumahzakat.org). Each regional…

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