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Sphere Field School Workshop, Lebanon

4 نوفمبر 2019 - 7 نوفمبر 2019

Event Type: Private Event Category: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Private
Event Category:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

November 4, 2019


Zahlé, Lebanon

Contact Number



Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator

The four-day Sphere Field School workshop was held from 4-7 November in support of the Korean
NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC) and was facilitated by trainers from
InterWorks and Sphere.

The workshop was held at the Grand Kadri Hotel and a field practicum was
conducted at three humanitarian field programme sites for Syrian refugees in Zahle, Lebanon.

Workshop logistics and overall administration was done by KCOC. Participants included national staff
of international and local NGOs and international staff from KOICA, KCOC, and NGOs.

The workshop agenda and sessions were adapted from the 2018 Sphere Training Package materials
and modified to suit the Lebanon refugee emergency context and program focus of the 13 Sphere
Field School participants. The final agenda was agreed with KCOC, Sphere, and InterWorks to best
accommodate the needs of the participants. Workshop evaluations conducted at the end of the event
indicate that the overall design of the course was appropriate and beneficial for the group.


Registration Deadline

November 4, 2019


Zahlé, Lebanon

Contact Number



Lead Facilitator

Co Facilitator