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Sultan Haider

International Rescue Committee
Contact Us


Inglés, Hindi/Urdu, Pashto

Based in


Sultan Haider

International Rescue Committee
Contact Us


Inglés, Hindi/Urdu, Pashto

Based in

  • Reducción del riesgo de desastres
  • Coordinación y gestión de campamentos
  • Educación de adultos
  • Principios de Protección
  • Recuperación temprana
  • Dinero en efectivo y cupones
Types of training
  • Capacitación técnica Esfera
  • Presentaciones de Esfera
  • Capacitación sobre el terreno
  • Desarrollo de contenidos de capacitación
  • Orientación y tutoría
  • Trabajadores humanitarios
  • Estudiantes
  • Gobierno

About Sultan Haider

Sultan Haider is a Sphere and CHS practitioner with 10 years of experience in designing and managing the rights based projects, leading the fields teams in development and humanitarian response, conducting Surveys, advocacy, training need assessment, training material development, mainstreaming Quality and Accountability. He has co-facilitated a number of Sphere workshops.

Specializes in complaint response mechanism establishment and managing; capacity building and M&E of humanitarian organizations on internationally recognized standards for quality & accountability assurance.

Conduct Accountability assessment and provision of technical assistance/services in DRR, protection and accountability mainstreaming.

Events & Training



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