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Training of religious denominations in the DRC on SPHERE standards, Goma, DRC, 21-22 May 2024

21 mayo 2024 - 22 mayo 2024

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Event Type: Public Categoría del Evento: Sphere Content: Sphere Focus

Event Type: Public
Categoría del Evento:
Sphere Content: Sphere Focus


Registration Deadline

May 21, 2024


Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Email Address

Contact Number

+243 990634880 , +243 977235075




Lead Facilitator


Co Facilitator

We have found that most communities play a vital role in providing help and support to those in need, whether they are their own church members or members of the local community. They are often faced with emergency and crisis situations, such as natural disasters, situations of great precariousness, and conflicts.
To ensure an effective response that respects humanitarian principles, it is crucial that members are trained in international humanitarian standards. Such training will help them understand the main fundamentals of humanitarianism, such as humanity, neutrality, impartiality, independence, etc. Including standards and best practices for humanitarian response.
Being well informed about the standards, they will be better equipped to plan, coordinate and implement effective and ethical humanitarian aid programs, adapted to the real needs of affected people, while respecting their dignity and autonomy.
The ECC/NK as a platform of several churches has great potential that is not exploited, such as:
– Its presence and its presence in different local communities, which allow it to be close to vulnerable people and to know their needs.
– Its richness and diversity of charisms, talents and resources of its members, which can be mobilized for diakonia.
– Its ability to bear witness to God’s love for all human beings, through word and action, and to invite conversion of heart and mind.
– Its strength to unite and collaborate with other ecclesial or social actors, who share the same values ​​and the same objectives for justice and peace.
– Its creativity and innovation in proposing solutions adapted to specific contexts and challenges, taking into account cultural, spiritual and human aspects.
The diaconal mission is one of the main missions of the church, alongside the evangelizing, prophetic and educational missions. In order to contribute to improving the living conditions of vulnerable people, we found it necessary to organize this workshop which has the following specific objectives:
– Understand the fundamental principles of humanitarianism
– Be aware of the ethical and operational challenges that diakonia officers may face when providing humanitarian assistance
– Know the standards and best practices in humanitarian intervention
The expected results are as follows:
– 20 diakonia officers and 20 provincial delegates and/or legal representatives have a clear and in-depth understanding of fundamental humanitarian principles and their practical application in emergency and crisis situations.
– 20 Diakonia Officers have the capacity to effectively use standards and best practices in humanitarian intervention to design, implement and evaluate humanitarian aid programs.
– All participants are better prepared to deal with the ethical and operational challenges encountered when providing humanitarian assistance, with enhanced skills to make good moral and ethical decisions tailored to the needs of vulnerable populations throughout the Northern Province -Kivu


Registration Deadline

May 21, 2024


Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Email Address

Contact Number

+243 990634880 , +243 977235075




Lead Facilitator


Co Facilitator