I have more than 15 years experience working on disaster management, relief and rehabilitation, social mobilization, and qualitative research for development management. I have proven my expertise on policy advocacy, advocacy campaign designing, social mobilization, and qualitative research for development management. Developing several training manuals and conducting training. I have experience working with Rohingya refugees and can speak the dialect used by the people in Cox’s Bazar. Facilitated training on Sphere ToT, refreshers and foundation course, Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS), Humanitarian Principles and INEE (Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies), Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. I am the lead translator of Sphere Handbook in Bangla (2011 & 2018 ongoing). I have played a role as an initial compiler of Sphere Pocket Book 2011 & 2018. Also a lead translator of Introduction to the Core Humanitarian Standards Course from English to Bengali (online course), COVID-19 Parenting Resources, Technical Note: Protection of Children during Coronavirus Pandemic, Prevent Sexual Exploitation and Abuse during COVID-19, IASC Interim Guidance on COVID-19 and. I have experience in leading training needs assessment, planning, devising training modules, organizing and conducting, monitoring and evaluation.
I also have an evident knowledge about social research methodology including writing research proposals, selection of research design, sampling technique, data collection and analysis using software like SPSS/STATA. Also able to excel in liaison, coordinating & communicating with local government machinery, print & electronic media, civil society organizations, national/international NGOs and Donors.