(Continued from Part #2)
Tracing its roots to 2011, Sphere’s focal point in Brazil and Portugal, Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions (FIHM), renamed itself and expanded its global footprint in 2018.
FIHM translated the Sphere Handbook into Brazilian Portuguese for the first time.
Sphere Board member, Friar Luciano, gives a Portuguese Handbook to Eli Mansur of AVSI Brasil in Roraima state, Brazil.
The Sphere Handbook is available for download in 47 languages, with more on the way.
COVID-19 restrictions across the globe meant that almost all Sphere workshops moved online from early 2020. Online facilitation requires a specific skillset, including technical competencies like managing virtual breakout rooms and whiteboards, and facing the challenge of keeping participants engaged and energized across the airwaves. Not easy!
A screenshot of Zoom showing participants during one of the online ToTs in online teaching methods for Sphere trainers
Sphere trainer, Hassan Jenedie, based in Turkey, fondly remembers his online ToT in online teaching methods from early 2021 – a masterclass in online teaching methods from RedR Associate trainer, Stephen Blakemore.
In response to cyclones in coastal areas and insecurity in Cabo Delgado, and enabled by the recently-completed Handbook translation into Portuguese, Sphere’s focal point in Zimbabwe, CHA, led by Sphere trainer, Wonder Mufunda, implemented an ambitious ToT programme in neighbouring Mozambique during 2021.
A Sphere workshop in Mozambique
With internet penetration of around 20% in Mozambique, online training would not reach a wide audience, so a series of in-person events took place under social-distancing rules.
Throughout the history of Sphere, working with National Disaster Management Authorities (NDMAs) – and other authorities and civil protection actors – has been a high priority for our focal points, trainers, members and other Sphere champions – and not just in their own countries.
Focal point representative, Ricardo Treno, sent this message from a Sphere workshop run by our Brazilian focal point for government and civil protection actors in Greece (in English with Spanish and Portuguese captions).
When Sphere ran its first ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in 2021, many of the hundreds of participants from all over the world were subject to restrictions on movement and gatherings related to COVID-19. This meant the weekly webinars, including 25-minute small-group discussions, became a valuable source of person-to-person contact, albeit via video.
Sphere individual member and voice of the community throughout the MOOC, Mas Anang’s short and sometimes humorous videos were eagerly anticipated between webinars.
A collage of images from Mas Anang’s short MOOC videos
Sphere ran a MOOC in French in early 2022.
Twenty-five years since its inception Sphere is known throughout the world, but the movement continues to grow.
In response to the conflict in Ukraine, Sphere initiated a Programme for Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Daria Pistriak, coordinating the programme, toured Poland to enable Sphere workshops in Jarosław (a small town near the border with Ukraine), Kraków and Warsaw.
A collage of photos from Sphere workshops in Poland, December 2022
Let’s give Sphere trainer – affectionately nicknamed “the rockstar” by participants of Sphere’s first MOOC – Leo Frey, the final words.
“Thank you”