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Sphere General Assembly elects new President, Executive Committee

Sphere members vote to elect the new President of the General Assembly and the officers in the Executive Committee on 5 November.

The members were called to elect a new President as well as representatives for the Sphere Executive Committee. Photo: B. Sartore / Sphere


The Sphere General Assembly met in Geneva, Switzerland, on 5 November. The meeting was aimed at welcoming the new members who joined Sphere during 2018, as well as providing new governance for the organisation.

The Assembly, Sphere’s highest governance body, gathers all Sphere members. For those who joined after the launch of the membership campaign in June, this was the very first opportunity to get together, learn more about the activities of the Sphere community, and discuss the future of the organisation.

Sphere Executive Director Christine Knudsen provided an overview of the fourth edition of the Sphere Handbook, to be released on the following day. She also presented Sphere 2020, the strategy which has guided the work of the Sphere office since 2015. As the strategy will be revised for the post 2020 period, the members put forward thoughts and proposals on the principles which are to guide the future activities of Sphere.

The members were also called to elect a new President as well as representatives for the Sphere Executive Committee, the body which oversees the organisation’s daily work. The ballots revealed Colin Rogers, of Plan International, as the new Sphere president. The Assembly warmly thanked Martin McCann of RedR UK, the outgoing president, for his service and dedication over the past years. Suzanna Tkalec of Caritas International was appointed Sphere’s new Vice-President.

The complete list of the Committee’s members and officers is available on the Governance page.

All members were invited to remain in Geneva and attend the launch of the Sphere Handbook on the following day. The event, which saw the participation of some 200 attendees, provided fruitful discussions on the past and future of humanitarian standards.