An international humanitarian practitioner with strong academics and extensive experience of 19 years in “Humanitarian Program Management”. Integration of Principled humanitarian response through “QUALITY & ACCOUNTABILITY”, “ CORE HUMANITARIAN STANDARDS”, “ DISASTER READINESS” & “ DISASTER PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE PLAN are areas of expertise. Currently leading and managing Q&A standards in disaster relief operations, disaster risk reduction, resilience & thematic specialization on food security, WASH, Shelter, Protection principles, cash transfer modality and Human resource management with Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America region. Serving as certified international trainer on Sphere, CHS, DRR and Resilience. Excellent leader with an ability to lead agencies on nation building initiatives. Specialist in working in different response options such as Cash transfer, In-Kind or Service oriented Humanitarian response.
Sphere Contractor badge: Subhashis was contracted to lead the Sphere ToT which took place in Nairobi in September 2019.
Subhashis is a Sphere Member.